
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Busy Life Does NOT Equal SUCCESS

Somehow, I think mostly stemming from American culture, we believe that the busier we are, the more successful other's deem our lives. The more we can handle (or seem to handle) a jam-packed schedule of school, work, activities, volunteering, WHATEVER - the "better" a person we are. I just turned in a paper yesterday for my American Literature class about this idea of perfectionism birthed in the young people of America by pressures and demands placed on them to do well, compare themselves to their peers, and fill their lives with THINGS. I know that when I was younger, I was ALWAYS busy: sports, scouts, church activities, volunteering at the school, trying to get As... and not all of it is in vain; I'm not saying that these things are WRONG. They just become "wrong" when we place that need for success (or just to be deemed successful by the people around us) above living a fruitful, God-fearing life.

Over the past month I've been transitioning into a VERY different season of life - if you couldn't tell from all of these crazy blogs. ;-) My lifestyle is completely different now than it has been the past few years. It's easy to think: "I'm not working enough," "My schedule isn't full enough," etc. But after hearing a sermon about 4 weeks ago on busyness and writing this paper last week, I'm reminded that my purpose in life doesn't come from how much I can pack into a day and still survive. That shouldn't be my goal. Because if other people look into my life and think that I don't have a real job or I'm not taking enough credits this semester or I don't have enough of a social life or whatever else they may come up with, it really doesn't matter.

I would so much rather live a simple life. A life that is full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindess, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness & self control. A life that appreciates REST and RELATIONSHIP - with God and people around me. A life that is not so rushed that I forget the little things. I want to have time to keep learning and growing on my own - especially in this awesome season that I'm in. I don't want to get caught up in trying to meet the status quo, that I neglect spiritual, physical, and emotional health.


  1. yes. if you have time in this season to rest embrace it! God is doing such a great work in you Kailene. He is growing you and teaching you great things. i am excited to read more :]

  2. Words of wisdom ... as usual. :) Thanks for the reminder, Kailene!
