
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Things That Matter

My emotions are feeling slightly confused as I am definitely encouraged in the things that matter, but discouraged in, well, almost everything else. 

I'm encouraged by conversations with friends who celebrate my victories and remind me of truth. - "Working 30 hrs a week and being a full-time student really is a lot to take on..." Oh. Right. 

I'm encouraged by reminders that the next year is going to fly by and then I will be a college grad and go do something exciting!

I'm encouraged by subtle compliments about my writing & speaking... somewhat of a confirmation that I'm headed in the right direction... I'm beginning to live out the passions that God has put on my heart.

But there is still this underlying discouragement.

[Ha. Maybe I should pick a strategy from the list yesterday about how to overcome discouragement!]

Then I guess my question is, what if those don't work?

What if after implementing some or all of those tips, I still have this discouragement creeping in? Even with all of the ENcouragement happening in my life right now and my ability to really see the bigger picture and know what things really matter, keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, and find my strength & joy in Him every morning...

This morning, after begrudgingly making my way out of bed 30 minutes after my alarm went off and going downstairs to make some toast & tea while reading my Bible, I came across this verse in the Psalms:

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." 31:24

I was just flipping through and it caught my eye because at one point I put a square around it.

I wrote it in my journal and put brackets around each separate phrase: 
[Be strong]
[Take heart]
[You who hope in the Lord]

I understand the first and the last phrases and I've obviously heard the middle phrase, but what does it really mean to "take heart"? The term 'heart' is extremely ambiguous. I looked up the phrase on and was actually surprised by what I found.

Related words for "take heart" --
     Dare, take a risk, be courageous, be bold

Well, shoot, that's not "safe" at all! I know that my hope is found in Jesus, so what should I do with that lingering discouragement? Be strongThe JOY of the Lord is my strength. Take heart. Take a risk. Be bold and courageous. Don't just survive, thrive. Don't just sit back and wait, do something. That may mean a little trial and error. That may mean that things don't always work out the way I think they're supposed to.

I have nothing to worry about in boldly taking risks as one who's hope is in the Lord, because I know that nothing that I do is outside of His ability to love me and rescue me. He's got my back. My life is in His hands.

When do I feel most ALIVE? When I'm doing something that completely freaks me out. 
I can focus on the discouragement or I can get out there and LIVE.

So true.

Moral of the story: Don't give up. Keep pushing through. In the words of my linguistics professor prior to the midterm: "This too shall pass." Sure, "weeping may endure for the night, but His joy comes in the morning"(Psalm 30:5, AMP). 

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