
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Morning Musings...

I think it's a list kind of day. Mostly, because we all know that lists are my default... that's just how I roll. Grocery lists, pros and cons lists, to-do lists, etc. I could make you a list of all the lists I make! "Keep calm and make lists." It's just what I do.

 1. Sometimes I am so much of a planner that it kills me. Seriously. This is quite possibly going to be a theme of this blog in the next year because it is pretty much going to be the theme of my life. Making plans for Christmas break - visiting family / Cru Conference, plans for Spring break - missions / vacation, plans for Summer break - Hawaii vacation / missions / family time, figuring out the details of becoming a college grad in 13 months from now, then all of the transition and decisions that come with that monumental milestone -- aka, what the heck am I even going to DO with my life?! Where will I live? Basically, I am back in almost the same boat I was in three years ago... inspired by a pep talk from my old youth Pastor, I knew I could do anything! I looked up Bible schools over seas as options! Back to the drawing board, I suppose... it's exciting, for sure! I'm becoming more and more of a dreamer. But still carrying those same reservations that cause me to return to this truth: "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." - Corrie Ten Boom.

2. Opportunities. The beginning of a new week is full of a plethora of new opportunities -- simply waiting to be embraced. We have so many choices everyday that truly affect our attitude about life. It's all about what you choose to focus on. The word 'opportunity' has a positive connotation; we generally think of job opportunities or ministry opportunities or the opportunity for new beginnings... often times, we only think of the things that could go wrong. It's the "what if?" scenario. People living in the "what if?" scenario likely face a massive wave of fear everyday because they are always concerned about the chance of failure or hurt. Those of us who have spent any amount of time consumed by the "what if?" know that it is certainly no way to live! I'll choose trust -- in all circumstances. I'll choose to trust and believe that this week - and this LIFE - are full of opportunities waiting for me. It's just a matter of which ones I choose to take.

Beautiful Truth. Satisfied in Him.
3. The beautiful truth of this verse keeps coming to mind... "He will make known to me the path of life. In His presence is fullness of joy; eternal pleasures are at His right hand." (Psalm 16:11) Complete, unadulterated, fulfilling, satisfying JOY is found in the presence of the Lord. Oh, how many places we look for such joy. We turn to people, food, clothes, make up, an exciting social scene, big houses, fancy cars, well-behaved children, the latest technology, the highest of higher education, a fulfilling marriage... we turn to anything and everything besides what will actually satisfy our souls - namely, the presence of God. "The difference is happiness is fleeting, but joy is eternal"(Sarah Martin,, "A Pursuit of Happiness"). The problem with looking for JOY in all of those things is that they are shallow. They don't last long. They are fake. They are not truly satisfying to the deepest crevices of your aching heart. Your heart longs for the perfect mix of truth and grace to penetrate your heart and radically transform your life. NOTHING can transform your life like basking in the presence of the Lord. 
... this describes my spring break. :)

4. Encouraged by this song today: Building 429, "Listen to the Sound"

5. I think I'm going to take myself on a mini road trip this weekend. (and I'll actually follow through this time) Something to look forward to this week. A break from the craziness and a chance to get away, by myself, in the mountains to pray and stay caught up on work for school. I have much to pray for. Much to journal about. Much to think on. Oh Lord, guide my heart. 

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