
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pay Heed to Those Little Lessons

I am firm believer that there is something we can learn in just about every situation. Whether a life changing epiphany or a minor everyday realization. We always have MORE to learn, and we might as well take every opportunity to soak up new wisdom, and understanding of grace & love.

Those subtle opportunities for growth or gaining greater understanding may come and go without a second thought. When we pass by them, they're essentially meaningless. Truth not accepted and taken to heart does little to transform a life.

If you haven't been able to discern from my last several posts, life has been completely crazy lately. I could write a long list outlining the craziness, but I'll spare you. Just take my word for it. INsane. By the middle of last week I was so exhausted I wanted to cry. If I even thought for 5 seconds about that long list of craziness - and how much of it I was yet to complete - my eyes filled with tears. It was just a natural reflex. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically SPENT.

Also - I knew I was going into a hectic weekend watching the kids with no break.

Friday night after the kids went to bed I made chamomile tea, put the fireplace on (my favorite!), and just had some peaceful, quiet, relaxing, alone time. An introvert's heaven.

When I woke up Saturday morning at 5:57 (I told Gannon that he couldn't get out of bed until the clock read six, zero, zero.), I felt more rested than I have in a long time. It was the first thing I noticed - I didn't feel groggy or sick or grumpy or weary or frazzled or weak. (which, unfortunately, had been the norm)

I quickly made the correlation to how I spent a few hours the night before. I know that I am introverted, which just means that I get energy from being alone, rather than with other people. It is crucial that I have "downtime" to recoup and reenergize, otherwise I am just depleted of energy very quickly - which affects my emotions, mental capacity, and physical energy. aka - every other area of my life.

Paying heed to that correlation is a reminder that if I don't plan for time to be refreshed the way that I receive it best, everything else will suffer. Yes, the Lord will provide strength and sustenance, but I need to use wisdom, too. I saw how greatly that time alone affected me; the "lesson" is only effective if I choose to pay heed and apply it continuously.


Have you been paying attention to the subtle lessons to be learned from every situation?

What lessons have you learned or experienced lately that you need to apply?

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