
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Practicing Parenting

[I really wanted to title this post "Birth Control at it's Finest"... hahaha]

I spent the weekend with the two crazy kids that I nanny regularly while their parents were on a trip. Overall, the kids did wonderfully and I think we all had a blast! Although, I have had a headache for the last 6ish hours and words cannot describe how tired I am. So. Very. Exhausted.

I've watched the kids for multiple days a few times... and it is always such a learning experience.

I also gain 982734098723847 times more respect, appreciation, and AWE for mothers. Really, parents in general. But I will only ever be a mother, so that's what I can relate with.

We did all kinds of fun things! Started out the party weekend with "Read Night" at their school, which was basically a fair that was all about reading and writing. Saturday morning they both had soccer games. If you have not made it out to watch a group of 5-year-olds play soccer... I highly recommend it! Oh my word, they were so funny! After that we went to the library, rented a movie to watch at home, and ate homemade chili for dinner. Today we went to my soccer game and they cheered me on.... er, rather they played with the other kids and dogs on the sidelines. Then we went to Qdoba for lunch - their favorite - and came home for a little bit before church this evening. 

1. Time seriously goes by SO fast! Between cooking, feeding, cleaning, bathing, clothing, disciplining, and driving, that's basically the whole day! How are mom's ever able to do anything besides just be a MOM?! 

2. I'm tired enough to go to bed when they do.... but I treasure this peace & quiet time so much more. :) Jane Eyre, fireplace on, hot tea, pajamas. Love it. I don't love that I really should be doing homework.

3. If I simply walk away from a child who is throwing a fit, the whole thing usually blows over in about 3 minutes as he or she comes bouncing into the kitchen with a joke to tell. Blows my mind.

4. Everything is going to take twice as long as I think it will. i.e., getting out the door: "G get your shoes on... no you may not take your light saber to the soccer game... C get your water bottle... where are your socks?... did anybody feed the dog?" 
(see #1. No time for ANYTHING.)

5. "Sleeping in" this morning until almost 7:00am = heaven!

6. I love, love, love, questions and discussions and prayers with these little ones. 
G: "Raise your hand if you like church more than school. Me!!!" 
C: "Some people don't love God."
Me: "Some people don't love God because they don't know Him. That's why I went to Panama for a long time last summer."
G: "What did you tell them?"
Me: "I told them that God loves them and created them to be in a relationship with Him, but when we sin - make bad decisions - we can't be with God. So He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our mistakes by dying on the cross and then raising from the dead and if we believe in Him, we can live forever." 
[Every opportunity to share the GOSPEL.]
[I wish I could record every precious thing they say.]

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