
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

That Thing That Makes You Come ALIVE

Monday, as I posted, was kind of a blah day. I haven't been feeling well for several days now (mostly just groggy, lethargic, unable to focus and super tired - probably allergies??) and I was feeling overwhelmed with the amount of homework I needed to get done.

My first major blessing of the day was that Jake brought me some allergy medicine and a hazelnut latte! What a great guy! :) It was at least 20 minutes out of his way and I didn't want him to feel obligated, but it made me feel so valued that he still decided to stop by anyways.

My second major blessing of the day was going to Molly's "d" group (Discussion Group - small groups w/ Campus Crusade). I am so glad that I decided to go because the Lord used it to show me again what passions He has placed in my heart. There were two other girls who came and we studied the Word and talked about life and how you can be SURE that you are saved and got to know each other... I LOVE THAT! When we left I felt so fired up... THIS is what I'm supposed to do. My attitude from the day was completely turned around. The next morning I saw one of the CRU staff meet with three girls in a row as I sat and worked on homework. I want that job!

It's so exciting to SEE + FEEL the direction that you are supposed to go so clearly. Just open your eyes and experience life. Don't get caught up in the cultural stream of "this is where you need to be in order to be successful." That's bogus. Who cares about worldly success anyway? I want to be found faithful in the eyes of the Lord and I believe that He will lead me in that. It's okay if you don't know what you're going to do with your life... just keep seeking and walking in obedience and BELIEVE that God will answer your prayer!

1 comment:

  1. That last paragraph really hit home. I'm starting to get discouraged on the job front. I don't know what I'm doing and haven't heard anything and all I keep hearing is "wait". I know God has a plan for me in this time and I've seen it some. But I'm so impatient and definitely hate when I feel like I don't have a goal (aka purpose) in something. But I know God gave me this time for something. My anxiousness probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't spend 'real' time with God in a few days. So crazy how life changing time with God is! Praise God that he knows us better than we know ourselves :)
