
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, October 20, 2011


This week has been UP and DOWN (emotionally) a lot... which isn't totally normal for me, but this definitely has been a different kind of season in life anyways. So I guess I shouldn't try to predict what's going to happen next. :)

I titled this post "Excited!" because even though life is just weird and a little over my head in a lot of ways (ok, definitely a LOT over my head)... I am so completely excited about what God is doing in my heart! Yes, refinement is uncomfortable and maybe even painful at times. But that's all a part of the process. And the process is beautiful. I know that God has awesome, amazing, incredible plans for my life... things that are beyond all I could ask or imagine. I've just been getting EXCITED about those plans this week! I love the ways that He reminds me of His love... His affection for me that fills every empty space and mends every broken piece. He is healing and restoring me every single day as I take steps of boldness and obedience!

I think it's fairly common that insecurities creep up in "new" seasons of life. Sometimes they're things that you think you already know or have overcome in a different season, but now you have to face them in this new place you're in. Well, I'm definitely in a new place and definitely facing insecurities that I either thought I had already conquered or I didn't even know I had. It's a weird, vulnerable place to be... in being honest with yourself and other people.

{I just pray that TRUTH would reign, Lord.}


  1. I'm always so inspired by the fact that you can find God working in every aspect of your life... even when things are emotional. It helps me to see my struggles in a new light :) Being honest with yourselves and others (for others with me especially) is hard but the end outcome is amazing. It IS exciting to learn more about yourself and grow to be the person God made you to be. I'll be keeping you in prayer! And if you ever need to talk, you know how to find me :)

  2. Thank you, Christina! I'm so encouraged by that. I LOVE that you respond to my posts. You're right... being honest is hard, but the outcome is amazing. Very true. :)
