
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, January 31, 2011

11:40pm = Way tOo far past my bedtime.

I should have gone to bed over an hour ago. My day started at 4:50 this morning and moved along verrry, very quickly. and emotionally. Some days just move emotionally. I know that doesn't sound right, but it's just is the way it is. At least in my life.

I really don't understand what the deal is... but the actual process of getting homework done the past couple weeks (okay, so that's "since the first day of this semester") is just not processing. or progressing. or, really happening in ANY kind of timely fashion.

I partially blame the lightning quick speed in which it seems every single day needs to flash by in...

Good News: I got a 20/20 on my quiz tonight, after studying so diligently. :)

Bad News: I still have 40+ pages to read and 2 essays to finish by tomorrow.

Best News: It's now 11:47 and I know that I can only keep my eyes open long enough to brush my teeth and crawl under the covers. So I'm going to do that... and let tomorrow worry about itself. 5:30 is going to come awfully soon. Jesus - multiply my sleep!!!

1 comment:

  1. I used to pray for multiplied sleep all the time at the HA ... still do at home, too! :) I hope you have multiplied productivity today, too! Love you!
