
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Confused. Baffled. Puzzled. Flustered.

Today is a beautiful day. This is a wonderfully relaxing season of life. I know some people who just bless my life tremendously. God truly provides emotional peace and strength in just the way that I need to receive it - Our God is an AWESOME God!

Okay, so I'm not confused or puzzled by any of that - praise the Lord! Life is just full of so many decisions. Some of them are small and really don't make much impact on my day-to-day life. Some of them are easy to make and bring joy. On the other hand, some decisions are extremely difficult to make and seem to be a no-win type of situation.

I feel like decision-making has drastically changed since being an adult. I've been an adult for, technically, four years now, but this is something that I'm still getting used to. (very slowly, I might add) Taxes, rent, car insurance, where to live, where to go to school, what to study, etc, etc... I didn't really have to think so much about these things 4+ years ago. Even if I did have to make some kind of decision, people gave more aid in making the decision. But suddenly, now that I'm an adult and am supposed to be able to make decisions all on my own, when I explain an upcoming decision people respond with something like, "Oh, I'll pray for you... the Lord will guide your steps."

Okay, yes. God WILL guide my steps. But it seems that no matter how many times I quote Psalm 119:105 "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" and Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps" I still don't come up with an answer! What about Proverbs 20:18 "Make plans by seeking advice" -- I'm seeking!

I feel like I'm at a stalemate. I don't know HOW to decide. I understand that it's between me and God... I can't please everyone. I want to make a wise decision and I don't want to be paralyzed by fear. Please Lord... help me.

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