
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Change of Heart....

Probably at any other time in my life I would have told you have summer is my favorite season. I do like things about summer: hiking, camping, pretty much anything that has to do with being outside... but I think I've had a change of heart recently. Probably since moving back to the Pacific Northwest. It'll do that to ya. You think you know who you are... then you move back "home." I love Winter. I love holidays and snow and boots and scarves and the amazingly beautiful red/orange/yellow trees and the crisp, cool air and fireplaces and hot drinks and ice skating. I just love it.

Another change of heart is in the realm of priorities. I wrote in my journal today that a struggle I foresee for the next 12 hours is the temptation to feel guilty for not being more on top of my classes and getting more homework done in the past few days and feeling behind. Yes, that's a problem, but I already know that school is not my number one priority and I do not want it to be. So there's no sense in trying to make it that! Romans 8:1 says that "there is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Conviction is from the Lord, but condemnation is from the Enemy. I will not live in light of where Satan leads. I will choose to walk in the freedom that has already been given to me in Christ! Regardless of my grades or status in school or supposed success or even if I turn everything in on time, it will be okay. All of that does not attribute to my identity unless I let it.

I'm so thankful for grace, joy & peace that comes only from the Lord. I can not muster up any of these things to somehow make my life more fulfilling. My life is fulfilling because Jesus provides everything I need and HE is my strength when I am weak.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you figured out that school is not your number one priority! It's weird to say that I think. I remember when I first dropped out having a hard time with it. The general thinking is that if you aren't going to college or aren't doing well in college then your life isn't going to be successful. Which is crazy! I know you're in school and you're probably doing well. But you're right in realizing that a student isn't who you are, it's something you do. It's okay to not get perfect grades... because other things are more important! This is definitely a lesson I have to learn again and again. I naturally put my worth in tasks because that is how I am motivated. But I am the same person whether or not I go to school, have a job, or get the dishes done today. It sounds like a simple concept but I seem to have to relearn it often!
