
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rewind that and Switch it!

Going into a week feeling unprepared (aka - my homework isn't done) makes me feel sick to my stomach everytime. I hate that feeling! Last night when I was with Jake I made a harsh comment about how I wish this week were over and it hasn't even started yet... ONLY because I would rather not push myself to get homework done, or deal with the consequences when it's not done up to par, or done at all. :-/ I realized very quickly how that statement sounded (selfish, prideful, ungrateful, etc) and said, "Wait. I don't want to be like that and wish days away..." This week will be great and I have so much to be thankful for - I just need to make a little attitude adjustment. Each day contains joys and struggles, both of which are blessings.

I love seeing my thought processes laid out like that, but it's even cooler that I said it all out loud so Jake could hear it, too. After I tried to take back what I originally said and replace it with truth, I kind of laughed and said, "Well, you just witnessed me processing my thoughts in action!" I'm so glad that it didn't take long for truth to chase out the lies. It is so COMMON for people to wish for "tomorrow" - whatever tomorrow may hold, but I want to be content in the here and now and recognize the Lord's hand in each area of my life, whether it seems pleasant at the time or not. This week is surely not purposeless and I do not want to miss the many opportunities I will have to choose joy and share the love of Christ!

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I am always trying to find things to be grateful ie: "1,000 Gifts" via Ann Voskamp. We are truly surrrounded by gifts from God everywhere. And when we look at those our attitude can ONLY be FLOODED with gratitude which births JOY!!! Life has complications, oh yah!!! But GOD is sooooo GOOOOD and it is everywhere that HE LOVES US - yah, there is my mini-blog post!
