
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Value of TALKING

I just LOVE healthy communication! Mostly, because it generally leads to healthy relationships, which I am also passionate about. Being in a fairly new relationship (when do I stop calling it "new"?), I am learning everyday about healthy communication and how that affects us.

My natural tendency when things get hard is to put up walls, run away, stop talking completely... basically, I just shut down. Those are all the opposite of healthy communication, in case there was any question in any of your hearts. :) Clearly, I have a LOT to learn and grow in!

I love seeing the value of talking things out when I hear truth gently weaved in throughout the conversation and my heart is quickly directed back to Jesus. I could have easily just kept my mouth shut and continued down that spiral of fear and bitterness... just opening my mouth opens up my heart to hear truth and receive grace.

Sometimes it feels silly to talk about things or say what I'm thinking out loud, but if I don't say it... then he won't know it! I heard a really great sermon series by Craig Groeschel, Pastor of Life Church, called "The Vow." (highly recommend checking out this series: -- Click there and I believe you can watch all 4 parts.) One of the things I remember most is this: "If you think something good, say it." I've been trying to be intentional about doing that. When I like or appreciate something that Jake says or does, I want him to know it. I've seen how just this basic communication has opened our eyes. It is SO cool to me how God designed us to be in relationship with each other so purposefully!

The value of talking means that I recognize that it is crucial that I open up and respond rather than shutting down or withdrawing or ignoring it. I want to keep growing in healthy communication and not RUN from it!


  1. This definitely comes at a time I needed to hear it... your blog often does that. I have the exact same relationship with communication. I value it so much but also have the tendency to shut down when I should speak up. In fact, my brain sometimes does it on its own and I literally draw blanks during important conversations. I've gotten much better at speaking up about good things. I still have a ways to go when it comes to speaking up about things that I need (or want). I don't know why I always drag it out because I immediately feel better after speaking up. Oh life.

  2. Kailene, your heart, your words, and your desire to grow and challenge yourself are beautiful. Thank you for sharing what you're learning on here ... I love reading it. :)
    (This is what I thought after reading this update. Had to share after your reminder: "If you think something good, say it.") [:
    Miss you much!
