
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wishful Thinking.

I'm sitting on campus right now with one hour until my next class; grateful for the break.

Really, I'm dreaming about Christmas break (or post-graduation life?! That will be awesome, too.) when I don't have to think about classes or papers or tests and can enjoy the peacefulness of a cozy coffeeshop with a good book or something important to write about. (Ok, so that will probably not define my life after graduation... unless I win the lottery to pay my bills. But maybe on the weekends!) School has just been so easily overwhelming this semester. I hope that tendency ends with the close of finals in just four short weeks. I hope that next semester I do what I can do and just let that be enough, for once in my life.

I've been [at times unsuccessfully] attempting to live healthier (more sleep, exercise, food, water = less stress) and step out of roles/responsibilities that I don't NEED to be in currently. It's really hard! Priorities... balance... it just gets muddled up sometimes.

I guess this is just me wishing again for a "simplified" life. But you know what? Life isn't simple. It's not ever going to be. As much as I try to gain control of my health, emotions, schedule, future, grades, etc, etc forever... there will ALWAYS be something. Yes, I'm choosing to rest right now, but there are a hundred other things that I probably SHOULD be doing or thinking about or preparing for. But that's lame. (eloquent, I know.) I never want to be so consumed by the hundred things that I probably should be doing that I forget to enjoy the things I love to do or the people I love to be with. You have my permission to hold me accountable to that standard, though, because it is a constant battle. What is it that I will choose to give priority in my life today? I feel like only recently (the past couple of years) have I really began to learn who I am: the things that truly bring me joy, make me feel alive, refreshed, excited, energized, curious, appreciative. Those are the things that I want to spend my time on. So what IS this simple life I've been pursuing? And what is up with my desire to label everything?

So life isn't SIMPLE... what IS it? Maybe a more accurate statement is that life isn't EASY, but it can be simple if I choose to trust and obey the Lord as my number ONE... then everything else just falls into place. Ah, yes. I'm pretty sure I overcomplicate about 97% of my life.

Also - I've discovered pinterest. I want to get some fun Christmas gift/decor ideas. I don't even really understand the website yet. There is just so much to look at!

3 days until Thanksgiving break. Praise the Lord!!!

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