
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Healthy Perspective

I know that I write on this subject often... there are probably a lot of repeat posts through the history of this quaint blog. But these are the things that the Lord puts most on my heart; the ways that He trains me to be more humble, peaceful, patient, kind, honorable & loving.

Today is a day that I know I need to be very proactive in taking my thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ. Today is full, full, full with school... and I don't feel prepared. I hate not feeling prepared. [It's a control thing.] I wish that my papers were longer and more eloquent. I wish I had practiced for my presentations. I wish I studied more (ok, at all) for my philosophy test. I wish I went to bed two hours earlier than I did last night. It's so easy to just get caught up in all the "I wish..." thoughts, right? How unfortunate that we are bombarded with the message that "if only you had this or that or the other thing, THEN you will be successful/beautiful/accepted." I wish I could say those things don't matter to me. Reality is, it's a constant battle. [But a battle SO worth fighting!]

A healthy perspective is a godly perspective. I want to see the world and other people and myself the way that God does. I want my heart to be concerned about the things that concern Him. I want my thoughts to dwell on the things that matter most to Him. I want my actions and my attitudes to reflect those of Christ.

I read this blog this morning: "A Holy Experience" [go ahead and click on the link to read it. if you need a shift in perspective, it is just the thing to read!] I cried because my heart breaks for this precious family. I cried, also, because I'm convicted for the things that consume me and cause anxiety. My dear friend, Rhoni, has said this many times before - and my core advisor at Teen Mania and I talked about it a lot, too - "In light of eternity, what does this really matter?" There are some things that really DO matter in light of eternity, and those are the things I'd like to direct my attentions to! There are so many things, though, that I focus on that make zero difference in the Kingdom of God. I pray that this changes... I know that it is.

So today, as I go through this incredibly FULL and BUSY and potentially STRESSFUL day, I will continue to ask myself the question: "What does this really matter in light of eternity?"

Give me your perspective, Lord.

1 comment:

  1. So I followed that link and cried, here at my desk at work. And then I proceeded to read more of her entries. Here at my desk. Because I'm smart like that.

    That? Is why waterproof mascara was invented. And the excuse of "my contacts are REALLY giving me fits today".
