
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ready... BREAK!

That is how "breaks" from school usually start... here comes Thanksgiving break and it's generally full of traveling, catching up on school work, visiting 563 friends and family members (it seems like that many!), eating a lot more than I should, probably a little shopping and movie viewing, and not much sleep. Not the kind of "BREAK" that I need. Especially going home to Portland, I never have a moment to BREATHE, nevermind blog or enjoy a little R&R. THIS break, though, began wonderfully.

I went with Jake this weekend to visit his parents and it was more relaxing and wonderful than I could have even imagined! His mom is a great cook, so we ate REALLY well. I learned how to make stuffed shells! They celebrated my birthday with me w/ an ice cream cake (including the candles and singing), gifts, chocolate and EVEN a nice little walk in the snow with the dogs. I love that it snowed! Saturday night we met an old friend of Jake's at Applebee's and I had an awesome time talking with his friend's wife - I just LOVE meeting people who I connect so well with because of our passion and love for God! I had such a great time. I am so very grateful for my little get-a-way to prepare for the next week...

Tomorrow is homework day + skype w/ Kelsey + Christmas tree lighting downtown!

Tuesday I fly to Portland to start the hectic part of vacation as I visit family, meet my brother's new girlfriend, see some old friends, endure the RAIN... then it'll be time to head back to Boise. :) SO looking forward to spending time with my family and enjoying some fun family traditions -- popcorn tins, puppy chow, thanksgiving food, movies. It will be great!

After Thanksgiving break there are only THREE weeks left until christmas break! I think the month of December will be a little bit of a reprieve. This semester has been pretty insane... mostly hard - in both good and bad ways. I am so grateful for how I've grown and how the Lord has been working in my life... but I have so much more growing to do! There are some lessons that I just can't seem to "get." I need to remember to allow myself time to "get it." Life is just a series of processes... which, in the big picture, is just the process of becoming refined - more and more like Jesus. So even when I don't see the outcome, I can rejoice because I am confident that God will not give up on me. He's just working on my heart everyday.

This is just a quick update - I know I've been HORRIBLE at blogging consistently. I need to get my thoughts organized and start over again. I know that going into the holidays is not going to help with consistency, but I'll try. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about your adventures with Jake. Dating is such a sweet and fun time :-) And I love the new design on your blog! Aaaaand I'm glad we both understand our inconsistency with blogging and love for getting emails about comments ;-)
