Thursday night was HIGHLY eventful...
1) I got a text from Emily that said she wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner -- because we all needed to spend some quality time together. :) Arielle stayed home because she was sick, but Heather, Emily and I went out to eat. When we left the restaurant... Heather had a flat tire. I mean FLAT, as in, all the way to the ground. So, we rolled up our sleeves, put on our "I-can-do-anything" sort of attitude and got out the jack and wrench-thing to put on the spare tire. Yeah, that lasted all of 3 minutes until a kind fellow came out and saw us in our plight and decided to help. He just walked right up and started cranking away - didn't even ask if we needed help! That sort of thing only happens in Texas... It was probably for the best anyways. There's no saying what would have happened if we actually tried to drive on the spare tire that we put on... Thank you, Lord!
2) Then when we got home it was HOT. Our AC is broken again and it was hotter in our bedroom than it was outside. And it was about 80 degrees outside. Lord, have mercy! We have fans blowing every which way to just keep some air circulation. But now it sounds like we live in a wind tunnel because the fans are very LOUD. And we don't dare open the windows -- who knows what kind of creature could climb in and find refuge in our room while we sleep!!! horrifying thought.
...it only gets better from here...
3) So as we were contemplating how we woulc ever sleep in those conditions, a massive bug just hopped right into our room! It was a camel cricket, as Heather explained. It's not easy to just kill bugs that are that big... they're too juicy. :) Anyway, he hopped in and went right under Heather's bed! I grabbed the flashlight, "I've got a visual!" I yelled to the other two. He was too fast. We lost him. Within minutes a SECOND critter walked right into our room... a SCORPION. I grabbed my flip flop as the nearest weapon, but my shoulder spazzed out because I was so nervous so I ended up just throwing the shoe which didn't do any good at all. Thankfully, Emily recovered for me and whacked the nasty little thing about 27 times until he was good and dead. Then Heather scooped him up and we went to flush him -- I had to watch her back in case any others came up behind her to attack. It's this weird peeve thing she has.
The camel cricket was still at large, so there was NO way that we would go to sleep... BUT, it didn't take long for him to show up... on Heather's pillow! Heather and Em created this elaborate plan and it sounded JUST like something out of 24... "We need to blockade the edge of the bed so we can't get out." "Move, move, move!" I just tried to do what I was told. And not pee my pants! It was so exciting. And incredibly frightening. Up at the top are the mug shots of the two bugs that tried to invade, good thing we got to them in time. :)
Dude, I am so glad I was not in there!! I can handle a cricket, but I don't DO scorpions. I haven't seen any in this house just yet but I am on the lookout always!!
p.s. if i find a scorpion, you will know because you will hear me scream.
screaming in the house = Arielle found a scorpion
Thanks for writing such a good article, I stumbled onto your blog and read a few post. I like your style of writing...