This is a picture of me.
Not the most flattering... but blogs are supposed to be REAL, right?! (Just please disregard the yellow tint... must be the lighting in here. And the fact that I used my old school flip phone as a camera.)
This picture is significant for two reasons:
1) I am wearing a hoodie and sweats because the air conditioning was finally fixed in my bedroom and it's cold and I LOVE IT!
2) This is me learning about blogging. :) I just thought I'd capture the moment.
In the past weeks and months I have discovered that writing is not only something that I do well with in school; I really, REALLY love to write! I have become so passionate about writing and journaling and blogging and reading other people's writing. I'm a little bit hesitant to say, "I'm going to be a writer and live happily ever after entertaining people with my wit and wisdom." That just doesn't seem practical. But, if we're going to be real here, I think it just might be a dream of mine. We'll see what becomes of it.
And with that... Can you offer any advice?! How can I enhance my blog? How do I get people to read this? Really, I'll accept any kind of advice at all; I'm just a young whipper snapper. Also - How in the WORLD do you fold fitted sheets?! I've been taught about 23 times throughout my life, but I can never seem to get it just right. Maybe it's one of those skills that are only acquired after you get married. See! I need as much help as I can get!
I can offer a little advice, but you'll have to decide what to do with it. You can gain readers by getting 'out there' a bit with your blog. Some ways would be to link to it on facebook/twitter (which I think you already do?), comment on other people's blogs (directing them back to your blog if it's relevant), follow other peoples blogs, join in blog carnivals/giveaways (examples are wordless wednesdays or weekend highlights or whatever interests you...there are a ton out there), and my final piece of advice is to blog daily. Often when people really get hooked on a blog it is updated often. If they're checking back and always finding old blogs it gets tiresome.
ReplyDeleteHope some of that might be helpful. I enjoy your writing and I think you have a great future in it! :)
Just thought of one more thing...get your family reading and commenting. I'm not even looking for more readership, but my mom sends new people to my blog all the time! She cracks me up. She'll tell me about how people she works with tried a new recipe I posted or something and it just reminds me how small our little world is. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and I can't help you with the fitted sheet thing. I think it's just trial and error. And not really caring how perfect it comes out. ;)