I am definitely the kind of person who needs to set aside time for "rest" and "fun." Especially in seasons like the one I'm currently in where practically every minute of every day is full of work/school/studying. It doesn't leave much room to take care of myself, which is something that usually lacks when I get busy, as silly as that sounds. I've learned how vital it is to be intentional with my time to (1) make sure everything gets accomplished that needs to and (2) make sure I don't go crazy. It's okay to put off homework for a day (i.e., Thursday nights because I don't have class on Friday) so I can enjoy a night to just read or hike or watch a movie. I don't have to be at either of the first two services at church, and the past two weeks I have been so blessed by getting a little extra rest and enjoying some peaceful and refreshing time with Jesus. Yesterday morning I met with some ladies from life group at a coffeeshop downtown, as I do every Saturday, then I made some progress on reading for my Lit class, then I had a "Girls' Night" with Lindsay and Liz - I have so much FUN with them!!!
All of that to say this: Yes, I'm awfully busy, but I will not allow that to change my priorities. I will wake up extra early to spend time with the Lord before I start my day (I know that that's what got me through last week!). I will set aside time to do FUN things with friends to ENJOY life. I will make exercising a priority to keep myself physically fit. I will take the few extra minutes to cook a healthy dinner rather than just eating out or heating something up in the microwave all the time.
I really work well when I have something to look forward to... so it definitely helps with homework productivity when I know that I'm going to meet up with a group of friends afterwards! Fun is so much sweeter when I feel like I've earned it. :-)
Lindsay, Liz + Me @ our GIRLS' Night! |
Proverbs 4 tells us to guard our hearts because they are the wellspring [a source or supply of anything, especially when considered inexhaustible - dictionary.com] of life. Guarding our time has got to be close in importance to guarding our hearts. If we don't guard our time and make intentional decisions about how and where we will spend it, then we lose focus, drive, and effectiveness.
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