
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can you say BUSY?!

Yes. I sure can... and that is definitely what my life looks like right now! I'd say it's both the internal AND external kind of busy. You know when you are just THINKING about a million and a half things so you feel busy even when your schedule is fairly manageable? No? That's just me? Yeah, well... maybe I'm  unique when it comes to my crazy-analytical mind. But probably not. ;^)

Anyways... there has been a lot happening! I was blessed by a wonderfully relaxing trip to Montana to visit a dear friend, Brianna. We were roommates the first year I lived in Texas and lived in the same house the next year. Bri is SO special to me! We spent a lot of time laughing and completing each other's sentences. :-) I could have done without the 24 hrs of sitting in a car to and from Laurel, MT... but it was definitely worth it to spend time with such a great friend!

I can feel it! Spring is here... summer is coming... and there's only 4 more weeks of school! I'm on the final stretch. Working on two group projects, a 12 pg research paper, and various other tests, quizzes and smaller papers. Whew! I will be SO relieved when this semester's over. I keep thanking myself for deciding not to take classes this summer. That was a good decision. :-) ***Also, I just registered for FALL classes today! I am pretty excited about this schedule! 15 credits, full Tues/Thurs and Wed nights - that means NO Mon or Fri again! AND it still works with my schedule to watch Channing and Gannon. Thank you, Lord!

Another exciting development is that I decided to start a girl's small group on Saturday mornings in the summer. I don't really know what all this will entail just yet, but I know that this is something the Lord has put on my heart... so I know that it'll be good. I still need to ask around and see what kind of interest there is (maybe so many people will want to join that I'll have to find a couple other leaders to form multiple groups!) and I don't know WHAT to study yet... a book of the Bible, a book like "Set Apart Femininity" or "Lady in Waiting," or some kind of topical study. I haven't been drawn in a specific direction yet, so I want to ask around and see if maybe there's something specific that a group of women would benefit discussing/learning together. I am REALLY excited about this... please pray that the Lord would continue to guide me and that I would step out boldly in leadership.

Well, that was just a quick update! The Lord is teaching me a lot in this strange season of life... but my desire is to be content where He has me and pour everything I am into knowing Him more. There's so much more I could say, but I should probably get to studying for my interpersonal communication test that I have in less than 3 hours.

I heard this phrase in a song on Sunday: "This is so beyond me, but it's not beyond You." I'm grateful that NOTHING is beyond the Lord. He is working ALL things together for the good of those who love Him.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your busy but that everything is going well :) Girls small group? That's awesome. I'm assuming you're going to be here for the summer? If so I'm totally in!
