
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Post Vacation Blues?

If you haven't noticed by the tone of my blog posts over the past week but I absolutely LOOOOVED this Thanksgiving vacation. It was restful, peaceful, and FUN! Jamie and I both agreed, though, that by yesterday morning we were definitely ready to be home. I had been away from home for 8 days by then, and well... there's just something nice about sleeping in your own bed and not living out of a duffel bag.

I was ready to come home: refreshed, energized, rested, and ready to tackle the last couple weeks of school! Now the quick decline of those emotions... As soon as we got home yesterday afternoon I hurried off to the grocery store, then hurried back for my weekly skype meeting with the wonderful Heather & Emily, then I attempted to work on my anthropology paper as my head began to throb... all of a sudden I was so tired, and my head hurt, and I couldn't focus on the paper that I planned on staying up late to finish... I know myself well enough to know when I hit that "brick wall" and just need to go to sleep. So I did.

I got PLENTY of sleep last night and when my alarm went off this morning I was NOT even slightly ready to get out of bed! So I didn't. :-) Thank goodness I had the option to sleep a little longer... then I got up and spent some much needed quality time with Jesus... and that's when it hit me:

The refreshment that I felt from that break, as awesome as it was, is only temporary and will come and go at the drop of a hat. It didn't take much to alter those emotions. I didn't understand why I felt so tired after resting for a full week! Jesus, on the other hand, refreshes my soul in the deepest parts and offers a LASTING refreshment that will overcome any "post vacation blues." His peace fills me so completely and survives through the darkest storm. It is not contingent on emotions or feelings or my surroundings. I love this simple revelation.
"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
"[...] those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."
Isaiah 40:31
"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you."
Isaiah 54:10
"You will KEEP in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
Isaiah 26:3

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