
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anti Chick Flick -- What is LOVE?!

Tonight I watched a chick flick and almost felt disgusted. It wasn't because the man in love dies at the end. It wasn't because it was made however long ago and the style was definitely not current. It was because it was SO fake. I just wanted to say "Surely, it (love) does NOT happen like that." You don't meet someone and then 12.5 seconds later fall madly in love and get asked to go on a perfectly romantic date. That's just not reality. Why do you think there are so many men and women who quickly get bored in relationships... or disappointed... or disengaged? It's because we so often fill our minds with junk and try to imagine the fairytale-story book-chick flick kind of romance, and our own simply falls short.

I use the term "our own" loosely here, as I really have no idea. I may know that what I saw was not reality, but I can't tell you fully what "reality" is. I do know that relationships take work. They take time. They take purposeful, intentional communication. I don't want to have some whacky expectations of what I expect LOVE to be... I want a pure, honest, God honoring, respectful relationship that tops all of that mushy fakeness.

It's worth waiting for the REAL thing.

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