
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, December 2, 2010

~ Thankful Thursday ~

What are you THANKFUL for today?

Just because Thanksgiving has come and gone doesn't mean that we STOP keeping a heart of gratitude. Gratefulness is healthy. Remember that today as things come up that try to bring discontentment... there is MUCH to be thankful for!

I'm grateful for...

1. Our snow day yesterday! Apparently we're supposed to get a few more inches tonight. Wow! [I'll post more pictures later!] It was such a fun day... and I absolutely LOVE snow, so it was a wonderful surprise to get TWICE as much as they expected. I'm so glad I invested in those snow boots last week... I've already gotten a lot of wear out of them!

2. God's provision - in so many ways, but emotionally and financially are the first that come to mind. God is so good!!

3. The semester is over in 13 days! Then a month off of school and a trip to Portland to see friends & family and to read a lot. Yeah... that's my plan. :)

4. Monday night accountability via skype with two wonderful friends who live across the country. [I wish I could go see them face-to-face.]

5. Fireplaces. I love the homey, cozy feel of fire in a fireplace... especially with Christmas stockings hanging on the mantel.

6. Golden Delicious Apples

7. The peace of God on UNpeaceful days.

8. Random text message/emails/etc with encouragement from a friend.

9. A full night's sleep.

10. My mom! I really miss her a lot. I'm glad she responds to my random text messages... I'm so excited to see her in 16 days!


  1. Heyy girl! There is a Thankful on a Thursday link-up if you wanted to find some other bloggers :-) I try to join every once in awhile. I love your thankful list!! Blessings! Here is the link up:

  2. Thank you, Ria! I just did it. So fun! :)

  3. I love your Thankful Thursday posts, Kailene! They always encourage me. :)

  4. I'm so glad, Beth! I love writing them... they encourage me, too. :)
