
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I need a bedtime again.

Christmas break has wrecked me... I did so well all semester going to bed by 10:30. Now, it's 11:40 and I'm very tired... but just really don't want to go to sleep. Do I feel like I'm going to miss out on something?! Whatever it is... I just keep staying up late. Late night is when my mind really works overtime. Yes, I use my brain all throughout the day, but it's at night when those wheels seem to turn extra fast.

Tonight my thoughts are coming and going so quickly I can't even decide what to write about!

Why couldn't I decide to ponder the deep things of life early in the morning so I would be more awake and alert? Instead, I sit here and literally, these are some of the things that have gone through my mind since I started typing:

1. I can't believe that it's 18 degrees outside and there's no snow on the ground.
2. I'm SO looking forward to tomorrow... I'm going to my favorite coffeeshop to hang out w/ a friend from my life group and do plenty of reading and writing. (my favorite things!)
3. Last night I had a good conversation w/ Robbie & Jamie about relationships. I learn so much from them. I have so much to learn. Oh, relationships....
4. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve... and I'm going to wear my new brown and teal flannel shirt. I'm pretty stoked.
5. Is it possible to really look forward to a conversation and really... NOT look forward to the same conversation? Yeah, that's confusing.
6. My brother has a girlfriend and I REALLY need to meet her.
7. I wish plane tickets were free. Gosh, I have a list of about 15 places that I'd like to travel to this week. [Thank the Lord for video chat!]

Okay, now I think I'm just adding things that I've thought of since starting that list. This could go on all night since apparently my mind is just going to keep on running!

I'd better put an end to this rambling and listen to some calming music and... pray. Then sleep sometime this week. Yes, good plan. :)

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