
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Rarity...

a night at home alone.

I love it!

All of my housemates are gone - Jamie and Josiah are on a trip to the East coast, Robbie is at his softball game, and Sarah is painting/doing yardwork at her new house - which leaves me here to myself. But I am definitely okay with that!

Saying "No" is a lesson that took me a loooong time to learn. Tonight, I'm reaping the benefits of that lesson. Praise the Lord. I have been pretty busy lately (story of my life) - I had a long day today working (watching kids at church + Channing and Gannon) and doing chores (grocery shopping + laundry) and I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should for the past several.... weeks. (I should probably work on that.) Also - two of my roommates from last year asked if I could skype tonight and we haven't been able to chat together for WEEKS and I want to make them a priority... so I said yes. I have a lot of writing to do, too - I kind of committed to myself that I'd finish this 30-day devo and I don't want to slack off. The catcher is this: My life group is volunteering at the Boise Rescue Mission tonight, which is obviously a good thing, but the old me (and the new me TRIED to do this) would have been concerned about what everyone else thinks of me because I chose not to go volunteer. Too often I fear man more than I fear God. No more! I know that I have pure intentions for staying home and I need to take care of myself and not worry about what other people think.

With that said, I am thoroughly going to enjoy tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were blessed by alone time... I know that you thrive and are refreshed by that :) In all honesty, I was cool to help out and make connections at the Boise Rescue Mission tonight but you probably got more out of your alone time. Seriously. You most definitely shouldn't feel bad about taking time for yourself every once in awhile. Saying no is something I've learned over the past year or so. I too tend to fill my life with so many tasks. But honestly we're not good to anyone if we're grumpy and have a less than great attitude because we need down time. Don't feel judged.
