
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Self Challenge for This Week... and what I'm learning along with it...

Whoa - I almost said, "Happy Monday!" Where has time gone?! I must be a little out of it... it is Tuesday, right??

So anyways, I am doing a special self discipline/health challenge for this week. I'm going to exercise every morning (it took me about 30 minutes to actually get out of bed this morning! haha) and drink at least 2 liters of water everyday (for some reason I have a hard time drinking even 2 GLASSES of water daily...) and I'm not eating any "sugar extras" - no cookies, ice cream, or candy. (This does NOT include coffee...) For those of you who are familiar with Teen Mania... I guess it's a mini Orange Block, which we all know and love. But hey - I know it's effective!

I video chatted with a good, far away (Virginia) friend, Emily, last week and we talked about working on ONE thing at a time. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with the 3864 ways that I need to change to become... healthier, a better student, more devoted to the Lord, a better friend, more financially stable, etc, etc, etc. But when I try to "fix" ALL of those areas at the SAME time... it generally just ends in frustration. Probably beacuse I'm looking for a quick fix... and I want to do it on my own. (independence) But when I rely on the Lord and remain still and peaceful to hear His voice.... and set attainable goals that focus on one or maybe two things... then I can see some growth.

So even though I know that I have a long ways to go and many areas to grow in... I need to learn to still appreciate who I am NOW. I need to remember that God loves me NOW, just the way I am. I don't need to reach this certain point of excellence before I can receive His affection. Hmmm.... I serve a God who's LOVE is unconditional. Stable. Consistent. Steadfast.

Something in which I can place my hope & trust.


  1. Yess Kailene. We need to talk soon, our lives have been so similar lately! I've been meaning to do the same things (Orange Block restrictions) and a couple weeks ago decided that I would be doing them starting November.
    Yesterday I didn't even realize it was November but I had subconsciously been turning down sugar extras (mine doesn't include coffee or tea either ;) ), calling people instead of texting, spending less time on facebook (i deactivated my account tonight - so text/call/email/read my blog/skype me). I've even been finding more time to exercise- but i lost my set of keys that has my gym pass on I need to find them in order to get going there again.

    I just think it was so cool because I had committed in my heart to do this thing & the time flew by to the point that it had come up & God held me to my word & helped me keep it even though I didn't realize that it was time to put my money where my mouth was. He's so good. So faithful. And constant. I like him a lot.

    Let's talk soon, girly!

  2. yes girls! fasting from things in our lives that are a distraction is gooood. :]
    Jesus fasted and we want to be like Him.
    through this time be aware of Him!!
