
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Funny Quotes from the Kiddos:

I know this is a blurry picture, the kid wouldn't sit still. (Notice how I blame the picture quality on a squirmy 3 year old and not my 2 year old flip phone camera?? haha!) The other day Gannon was drawing on the doodle pad while I was doing something with Channing and he said, "Miss. Kailene, Look! This is my picture of God!" Love it!
The kids are really on a roll playing mario kart this morning and we have a little extra time, today, so I'm letting them play a while longer.

Me: Okay, guys - Gannon picks a race, then Channing picks a race, then it really is time to turn off the wii and eat breakfast...
Channing: Okay, I believe in you.

Why, thank you, Channing! :)

Yesterday Channing asked if she could take a picture of her parents with her when I dropped her off at a friend's house for the day... in case she missed them.
Yesterday when I was getting breakfast together Channing said, "Can I have a kiwi?" Then Gannon said, "Can I have a lemon?" I started cracking up! First of all, how do you explain to a 3 year old that people don't normally just EAT lemons (although, I have before). Also, I'm pretty sure it's the ONLY time he's ever asked to actually eat a fruit!

The funny part is, he just asked for one again today and I gave in and sliced up a lemon to go with his peanut butter toast. I'm going to be a wonderful mom. ha!
Me: Gannon, what kind of cereal do you want?
Gannon: Well, I don't want cereal. I want a marshmellow sandwich.

The funny part about THIS is, I actually gave it to him. I put some marshmellow cream on top of his peanut butter. Hey - I just need to get the boy to eat! Another example of my great mothering skills: lemons and marshmellows for everyone!
Ok, what is Gannon's deal with food lately?! He just asked for cheetos with his breakfast. I drew the line with lemons and marshmellows. I made him eat a banana instead. I win!


  1. Haha, my little brother (who's not so little anymore, at 15) loves cheetos. He eats them with lots of foods you wouldn't think cheetos go with. Spaghetti, for example.
    Oh, and did you know, Stonewall Jackson, (Southern officer from the Civil War) used to eat lemons often? He would cut one in half, and stick a half in his mouth. /end random fact. :)

  2. Haha! That's funny, Beth. My brother eats KETHUP with everything, including spaghetti. :) Maybe Gannon will grow up to be a military commander and follow in the footsteps of Stonewall Jackson... no, he told me that he wants to be a baseball player. ;-)

  3. Love this! Kids just know how to make a girl smile! :)

  4. It's so true, Alisa! I love my job.
