
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's been a long time...

I think I'm going to make a list... that's just how my mind works. On second thought, if I make a list, we'll be here all night. So I'll just start with a few tidbits of information and then hopefully get back into the routine of blogging this week. I noticed that I didn't blog at all this past week... and I hardly journaled either. I bet there's a correlation there. Hmm...

First of all - I decided to try the whole skinny jeans and boots style again... the first time didn't work out too well, but I think I'll really get it this time. (I can be trendy! haha) I found skinny jeans at Target for TEN dollars yesterday and I actually LIKE them!! Today I bought these boots and a pair of grey suede w/ similar buckles that are a little taller -- they were buy one get one FREE! If you've been reading my blog for a few months, then you know that this is a big deal for me. I also got snow boots... but those are a little less stylish. :)
I love Heather and Emily (my friends from Teen Mania - they both live faaaar away) ... I really miss them a lot. I'm grateful that I'm making strong, godly, awesome friends here, though, too. The Lord knows just what we need in each season. Besides, Heather, Emily and I still skype once a week to stay in touch and maintain some accountability in our lives. I'm so grateful for relationships & community.

The above picture is from Saturday - Channing and I make sugar cookies w/ all kinds of fun shapes and Gannon helped decorate. It was more like: put a glob of frosting on, take a bite, then move on to the next cookie. :) I had to watch him like a hawk to make sure he didn't devour the whole batch! I love these kids a lot. They're on vacation right now and I'm staying at their house to watch their dog and have a little vacation of my own... it has been WONDERFUL so far. Last night consisted of chai tea, my fuzzy purple robe, the movie Pride and Prejudice, and snow outside. Tonight there will be MORE snow (supposed to start falling anytime now!) and a fire in the fireplace. I got a haircut this morning, went shopping... tomorrow I'm going to bake for the Thanksgiving dinner for my life group... I just feel so relaxed.

I do need to get some homework done, too... but then, on Wednesday morning, I'm heading up to McCall for Thanksgiving w/ the York's! Yeah!!!

This week is a nice reminder to slow down... enjoy life... rest... and not put so much pressure on myself. Not that everyday can be a "vacation" day... but it can still be enjoyable.


  1. This is such a sweet time in your life...I hope you're enjoying it even through the struggles! :) Love the boots/skinny jeans, you will look great!

  2. Cute, Cute boots! Buy one - get one FREE? WHERE?? :) I am a boot-fanatic! Happy Thanksgiving! Fun to read your updates :)

  3. Lisa - you are SO right! Even amidst the frustrations and struggles... I truly am enjoying this time of life. You and Mr. Hasz were right - it's a blast. :) I got your text the other night -- thanks! I love you, too! I'm wearing the skinny jeans/boot combo to life group tonight... life on the edge! ;-)

    Ria! Thank you! It was some obscure shoe store in the mall... I honestly don't remember the name. If I think of it, I'll let you know so you can see if there's one near you. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!
