
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Power of $6.00 Ice Cream

[Well, it really wasn't ice cream, it was frozen yogurt. This is significant because Jamie HAD to have frozen yogurt... so we did a few u-turns to make sure we found the right place. Luckily, my Dad was a race car driver... so I'm really not surprised by Robbie's crazy driving... especially when it's in pursuit of some tasty DESSERT!]

All this to say: a little treat goes a long way.

I love finding JOY in simple things:
...the smell after it rained tonight
...Josiah's contagious laughter
...the miracle of webcams used to video chat w/ friends across the country
...the piece of lindor milk chocolate that I've been saving to eat while I journal/read tonight
...the fact that I can sleep in until 9:30 tomorrow morning, if I really wanted to. [and believe me - I am NOT going to pass up that opportunity after this absolutely insane week.]
...encouragement from the Word of God

and those are just the things that are applicable for TODAY! I love getting random notes from friends, or the perfect playlist on pandora, or doing well on a test, or getting coffee with a friend, or a late night conversation w/ Jamie... tonight it happened to be $6.00 ice cream that did the trick. I think that's the most I've EVER spent on ice cream... but it was DELICIOUS + you get to choose toppings and the fruit was wonderful... sometimes it's okay to splurge. :)

It's good to remember that life is not all about school/homework/class, paying bills, working, planning, making decisions, etc, etc, ETC.

Sometimes it's just about eating ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Kailene, you are truly inspiring! It is amazing how God uses you and how you have let truth define you. I admire you so much :)and thank God for putting you in my life.
