
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, February 21, 2011

A few days of rest... FINALLY!

The peacefulness of this weekend has been incredibly timely. I am SO grateful for a short break: the chance to sleep in, do FUN things, clean my room (It always stresses me out when my room/car is messy, but that is usually the first thing to go! That's what happens when you don't have roommates anymore...), eat real meals, and get some homework done.

The awesomeness of my weekend started Friday afternoon when Lindsay called to see if I wanted to go skiing in an hour... YES! I really love skiing... and mountains and snow. It was a super fun group of new friends. I felt very much a part of the group because they all kept telling me that they were glad I was able to come. I had a really great time! This is the only picture I have... Lindsay and me as we're getting ready to go out on the mountain! We matched. :)

Saturday morning I got up early and went to Sandy's house for our book study on Beth Moore's book "So Long, Insecurity." There was only four of us and it was WONDERFUL! I just love getting into the grit of life and speaking truth and encouraging one another... thank you, Lord! In the afternoon I got coffee and walked around downtown with my friend, Jake... we had a really good time together. :-) Then I went home and did an insane workout with Jamie and got some random things done... then watched a movie. I've been wanting to just sit and watch a movie for a long time... it was so nice.

Sunday I slept in! I spend most of my time on Sundays at church - I volunteer in 1st grade for 2nd service and 4th grade for 3rd service, then I attend church 4th service (at 6:15). After church we had some XL Volunteers/friends over to hang out.

Today I slept in, too! I went shopping and found some good deals at Old Navy. This afternoon I've just been working on homework and getting other things done and of course, I skyped with Heather and Emily (we have accountability via skype every Monday night).

The past few days have been so FULL of rest, fun, friends, and even getting a few things done here and there. I feel much more ready to push through this week... with these two crazy kiddos. :) We had a TINY bit of snow last week. I couldn't get Gannon to stop eating it! haha

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kailene! You and your friend look so cute in your ski goggles! :)

    I have had a crazy-busy February and haven't been reading blogs...but I've just gotten caught up on yours! I love seeing what you are up to. It's great that you're finding community, friends, building fun into this season of your life!!!

    Thinking of you and praying for you tonight my friend! :)
