
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, July 29, 2010

[Thankful Thursday]

1) Thunderstorms / Texas Sky - We have had some BIG thunder this week and the clouds have looked absolutely amazing!
2) A safe & fruitful mission trip to DALLAS!
3) So much quality time with my awesome roommate, Heather :)
4) My other brother called me this week! (that's a rare occurance!) He might come to Oregon in August and we MIGHT all get to be together (my two brothers and one sister) for the first time in 3 years!
5) Financial Provision - how He already HAS provided and how He WILL provide!
6) I'm going to have STEAK for dinner tonight!!! Compliments of Sarah Beth Lay ;-)
7) Working at a ministry - yesterday for staff chapel we joined the Extreme Camps afternoon session and at the end we had a chance to go forward and pray with teenagers seeking restoration. I talked with 4-5 girls who asked for prayer for some of the same things that I dealt with when I was in High School. My heart just broke for them. I wish I could have talked to them more and heard their stories. But I trust that the Lord heard my prayers and will continue to work in their lives. I just love that - the process of healing and restoration!
8) Only ELEVEN days until I move to Idaho!!!
9) His mercies are new every morning! I'm not stuck in the bondage of yesterday - walking in the freedom of Christ!
10) Stephanie, Laura & Shandi are coming to Texas tomorrow!!! And Emily will be back on Monday!!!


  1. 11 days, Kailene? Wow, it's really here! :)

  2. I know!!! I finished packing up EVERYTHING last night (we had to be completely packed up by today) ... so now it's just the home stretch. :-/
