
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, July 1, 2010

[THANKFUL Thursday]

I'm going to start this on Thursdays - a blog of thankfulness. One thing that I learned from my core advisor, Kristi, my intern year is that when my heart is full of gratitude there won't be room for anything else that shouldn't be there. I hope that I live each day like this. Thankfulness has the power to change your whole attitude.

Here are some things that I am thankful for today:

1. My Dallas mission trip starts in less than a week!!!
2. My car still runs :)
3. The air conditioning in my house mysteriously works again
4. I have some pretty dang awesome roommates.
5. I have a nice, long break from school... and it will start up again soon. I'm also grateful for that!
6. Speaking of school - I received a pell grant that covers HALF of my tuition next year - Praise God!
7. My pillow - it really is an amazing feeling to lay your head down on a comfy pillow at the end of the day. Ah, wonderful rest.
8. I get paid to play with kids at church 3 days a week - they really bring such joy to my life!
9. In 6 weeks I'm moving in with the York's and I'll get to see Jamie all the time - such a blessing!
10. Kyle - I'm just thankful for my brother and how MATURE and WISE he is! I'm so proud!
11. In 7 weeks I'm going to Portland and I get to see my family! And eat at the House of Teriyaki! Oh how I miss those restaurants...
12. Friends and family who love me.
13. This season of life - I really am just blown away with everything that I'm learning and the many ways that I continue to grow more and more into who God created me to be.

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