
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Friday, May 10, 2013

Have You Found the Formula?

Even after the realization that I am constantly on the search for the great big formula of life (Not the math kind. I hate math. More like rules.), which has never been a fruitful search, I still find myself back in the same place. I understand that any formulas that may exist in the areas of life that I look for them (pretty much everything) are not grounded in truth and therefore, ineffective.
Nonetheless, I still search...

A formula for how to help a friend in the midst of crisis. A formula for balancing ministry and taking care of myself. A formula for finding my identity in Christ and not any other person or thing. A formula for making decisions - big or small.

A formula for the perfect coffee to creamer ratio... okay, I guess this last one will just come with practice.

Basically, I want to do the right thing and I want somebody to tell me exactly how to do it. It's the whole uncertainty factor that makes me nervous.

What if I do something wrong? What if what I end up doing is not what God intends?

What if.... whatif...whatifwhatifwhatif.

These "what ifs" drive me crazy. [Anybody with me?!]

It is this uncertainty factor that requires FAITH. 

If I was certain about the outcome of every decision and the exactly perfect path for my life, then where would my need for a Savior come in? Why would I need to depend on the Lord?

I love coming to that place where I've done all I can do. I've got nothing else to give. I'm at the end of myself, and I am forced to rely on God. I'm reminded again that I do not have all the answers, nor am I expected to. That frantic moment of: "BUT I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!"

The formula is that there is no formula. At least not the kind I seem to be looking for.

There are definitely guidelines, though.

Love God. Love others. [Matthew 22:37]

Doesn't get much more basic than that!

Everything else falls into place.

"When we play it safe, we squeeze God out of the formula. If we go only where we know and do what we're certain will succeed, we remove our need for God. Whenever we respond to God's invitation, our need for God becomes heightened. Whenever we take on a God-sized challenge, self-sufficiency is no longer an option." Chasing Daylight, Erwin McManus (p. 82)

"One of the wonders of uncertainty is that it is the environment in which God invites us to be creative." (McManus p. 77)

"He promises we can be certain about who He is and we can be certain about our relationship in Him, but how the journey plays out is full of uncertainties - the end of the story is not, though." (McManus p. 73) Praise the Lord!!!

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