
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, May 13, 2013

Faith for the {Moment}

Sure, I can have faith for my life as a whole. I have faith in who God is and that He calls me His daughter. I have faith that Good always overcomes evil, and we are victorious in the end. 

But what about the details? Every day kinda stuff? The crazy mess of making decisions that effect a lifetime? What about today?

I've noticed that it's easier for me to say, "God I give you my life," but I'm more hesitant to say, "God, today is yours." It's harder to trust Him in the little details when I can't see the big picture.

I'm learning right now what it means to trust the Lord with TODAY, 
and not worry about tomorrow... or a year from now.

"You will keep in perfect peace 
those whose minds are steadfast, 
because they trust in You."
 [Isaiah 26:3]

All I know is what is in front of me right now. 
I can't make decisions based on what COULD be...
(aka - the imaginary situations I make up in my head) 
... Or what I think SHOULD be.
(aka - the imaginary expectations I assume are there)

The Holy Spirit guides step-by-step, but we often don't get the low-down on exactly where we're going, why we're going there, and when we're leaving. In my experience, I know just enough to chew on it for a while, let it settle, and then get a new piece of the vision as time goes on. 

"Your Word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path."
[Psalm 119:105]

A lamp to see where to take just the next step. 

When I take my thoughts captive and filter out all of the worry, fear, condemnation, anxiety, all that is left is faith for the moment
[2 Corinthians 10:4-5 + Philippians 4:8-9]

I trust that He will lead me to take the next faith step, at the right time that I need to take it. Until then, I enjoy the moment that He has set before me.  

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