
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Plan. [and then what actually happens]

Ha! So true.
Story of my life.
Sometimes transitions come with plenty of notice and time to prepare and plan and pray for the change that lies ahead. Other times, the course of our lives change in only a matter of moments and we have no chance to make decisions or offer our two cents as to how things should turn out.

Regardless of the process or cause of transition, I am confident that God is in the midst of it all and nothing - NOTHING - surprises Him.

I can spend hour upon hours of intentional list making and praying and processing, only to come up with a faulty plan. Or better yet, nothing at all. 

It amazes me when the perfect plan seems to fall into place even though it was so obviously not out of my own doing (organizing, preparing). Even when this happens in subtle ways, they are everyday reminders of the Lord's faithfulness and sovereignty. 

What does it mean to truly walk by faith?

 Yes, there is wisdom in planning and seeking wise counsel. It is good to be prepared for what may come. Gathering information and ruling out options is an important part of making a decision. 

But the reality is, I am NOT in control. As much as I sometimes think I want control, ultimately, I want what God has planned for my life.

You can only run a marathon one step at a time. And sometimes there are twists and turns that get in the way of seeing the finish line.

You can only climb a mountain by putting one foot in front of another. And sometimes there is a layer of fog that hinders your view of the top.

I will do what I can do, and then move aside to allow God to do what only He can do.

Really, this is all about LETTING GO...

  • Of the way I think things should be...
  • Of what makes sense...
  • Of trying to live the same life as everyone around me...
  • Of planning every moment of every day... and then being frustrated when things don't work out that way...
  • Of my preconceived ideas...
  • Of my strong will... (Yes, I have free will. It's the strong, stubborn will that gets in the way of what God is doing in me that I have a problem with.)
  • Of my dreams... holding them in my hands with open palms to allow God to mold them...

So in the midst of this life planning phase, preparing for major changes, making decisions... I'm letting go of all of ME, and holding onto all of YOU, Jesus. Because really, my life is all about You anyways.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Morning Musings...

I think it's a list kind of day. Mostly, because we all know that lists are my default... that's just how I roll. Grocery lists, pros and cons lists, to-do lists, etc. I could make you a list of all the lists I make! "Keep calm and make lists." It's just what I do.

 1. Sometimes I am so much of a planner that it kills me. Seriously. This is quite possibly going to be a theme of this blog in the next year because it is pretty much going to be the theme of my life. Making plans for Christmas break - visiting family / Cru Conference, plans for Spring break - missions / vacation, plans for Summer break - Hawaii vacation / missions / family time, figuring out the details of becoming a college grad in 13 months from now, then all of the transition and decisions that come with that monumental milestone -- aka, what the heck am I even going to DO with my life?! Where will I live? Basically, I am back in almost the same boat I was in three years ago... inspired by a pep talk from my old youth Pastor, I knew I could do anything! I looked up Bible schools over seas as options! Back to the drawing board, I suppose... it's exciting, for sure! I'm becoming more and more of a dreamer. But still carrying those same reservations that cause me to return to this truth: "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." - Corrie Ten Boom.

2. Opportunities. The beginning of a new week is full of a plethora of new opportunities -- simply waiting to be embraced. We have so many choices everyday that truly affect our attitude about life. It's all about what you choose to focus on. The word 'opportunity' has a positive connotation; we generally think of job opportunities or ministry opportunities or the opportunity for new beginnings... often times, we only think of the things that could go wrong. It's the "what if?" scenario. People living in the "what if?" scenario likely face a massive wave of fear everyday because they are always concerned about the chance of failure or hurt. Those of us who have spent any amount of time consumed by the "what if?" know that it is certainly no way to live! I'll choose trust -- in all circumstances. I'll choose to trust and believe that this week - and this LIFE - are full of opportunities waiting for me. It's just a matter of which ones I choose to take.

Beautiful Truth. Satisfied in Him.
3. The beautiful truth of this verse keeps coming to mind... "He will make known to me the path of life. In His presence is fullness of joy; eternal pleasures are at His right hand." (Psalm 16:11) Complete, unadulterated, fulfilling, satisfying JOY is found in the presence of the Lord. Oh, how many places we look for such joy. We turn to people, food, clothes, make up, an exciting social scene, big houses, fancy cars, well-behaved children, the latest technology, the highest of higher education, a fulfilling marriage... we turn to anything and everything besides what will actually satisfy our souls - namely, the presence of God. "The difference is happiness is fleeting, but joy is eternal"(Sarah Martin,, "A Pursuit of Happiness"). The problem with looking for JOY in all of those things is that they are shallow. They don't last long. They are fake. They are not truly satisfying to the deepest crevices of your aching heart. Your heart longs for the perfect mix of truth and grace to penetrate your heart and radically transform your life. NOTHING can transform your life like basking in the presence of the Lord. 
... this describes my spring break. :)

4. Encouraged by this song today: Building 429, "Listen to the Sound"

5. I think I'm going to take myself on a mini road trip this weekend. (and I'll actually follow through this time) Something to look forward to this week. A break from the craziness and a chance to get away, by myself, in the mountains to pray and stay caught up on work for school. I have much to pray for. Much to journal about. Much to think on. Oh Lord, guide my heart. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Forgetful Friday?

I had a looong day yesterday. It was GREAT, just long. By the time I got home and finished a phone call, I went to bed. (meaning, I sat in bed with my laptop for 40 minutes trying to figure out the best way to get a plane ticket without spending my whole life savings. but that's another story.) Before I fell asleep I remembered.... Today is Thursday. And I didn't post Thankful Thursday!

So today is "Thankful Thursday" on "Forgetful Friday." Ha! So clever. ;-)

Except, I don't know that I will even be able to come up with words to describe the kind of thankfulness I feel today. It's a lot.

1. God knew I needed rest this week and I unexpectedly had a couple days off! I got some extra sleep, FINALLY felt mostly caught up on school work (i.e. Finished assignments a day or two in advance, rather than at 11:59. I felt so responsible.), and had plenty of time to journal. I was ready to press on through another week, but it wasn't looking too great with another busy weekend ahead. God knows what we need exactly when we need it.... and I'm so thankful for that!

2. Gosh, I am BEYOND blessed by the incredible people God has put in my life. I went to sleep last night feeling encouraged and refreshed after a couple hours journaling at my favorite coffee shop, a great time with the girls in my discipleship group, the perfect timing of a conversation with a dear friend, a surprise phone call from another sweet, long-distance friend, and a simple encouraging text before I went to sleep. It's pretty obvious that my love language is about a million percent words of affirmation, because after all that I felt pretty amazing. I so appreciate genuine, transparent relationships -- they help me to grow and become more like Christ, just in those simple conversations. 

3. Um, on a slightly less deep/spiritual note, I am loving the fact that peppermint mocha coffee creamer is out in the grocery stores! Woo hoo! Christmas is right around the corner. (I'm obviously not one to stick to the day after Thanksgiving rule...)

4. Snow in the mountains this week! Ski season is also quickly approaching... I love snow almost as much as I love Christmas, which is a whole lot!

Just take it all in, all of those things that make you see how blessed you really are. I could give you a much longer list of concerns/questions/fears/struggles in my life... but why dwell on that list when I have this list?! There is every reason to be full of joy today.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Those Darn Decisions

If there's one thing I've learned about making decisions, it's that you always know what you need to know just when you need to know it.

I spent three years at a ministry in Texas. Most of the programs were based on one year commitments. Usually at this point in the year (fall - early winter), I was pretty confident I knew what I was going to do next (move back home, stay another year, go to college, etc). Then late winter/early spring came the "What the heck, I only thought I knew what I was going to do, but now I have no idea!" phase. This phase was not exclusive to myself. Therefore, right around the same time of year, every intern/graduate intern was a frazzled-praying mess trying to schedule a meeting with the five mentors he or she had accumulated. (It's biblical: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Proverbs 15:22) All of a sudden it seemed like there were ten great options and you just wanted to know the ONE path that GOD wanted you to take. This is the phase where a lot of "back and forthing" takes place. Day 1: I'm going to college to be a teacher! Day 2: I want to stay where I'm at! Day 3: I guess I'll just work at McDonald's! Day 4: Maybe I'll live in Africa? And be a teacher? ... You get the picture.

Then came the epiphany. The decision. After many, MANY days of blood, sweat and tears, you FINALLY come to a conclusion. It feels like victory, breakthrough. All of that wrestling is worth it for the gold that awaits: a plan to move forward and new found strength of character that came through the process along the way.

I haven't been through that process since I decided to leave Teen Mania to finish my bachelor's degree at Boise State over two years ago. I knew that I wanted to finish school, so that was my next goal. I didn't need to answer the question "what am I going to do next?" until I finished that part. So, I've been in school and I love it. God has provided over and over and over and over again. Seriously.

But now I'm at the beginning stages of the decision making process again. One difference is that I'm aware of common decision making phases, so I'm much more calm. I am completely confident that God will open the right doors at just the right time and give me everything I need to move through them. I know that He sees the big picture when I barely see the next five minutes. He's got it under control. My job is to simply trust and obey. If I don't have the answers then I don't need to know yet. And I am OKAY with that. (Today, at least. You might need to remind me tomorrow that I decided to be okay with that...)

The next year and a half is going to be full of transition and I've never been more excited for what lies ahead.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Response to Relevant Magazine's article, "How Should Christians Date?"

*I wrote this response as an assignment for a nonfiction writing class. Therefore, some of the analysis is purely technical because that's what the instructor was asking for. I will add more at the end that is solely for the purpose of my own response/thoughts because I think this topic/article is fascinating and so necessary to discuss.

Let me know what YOU think! :)

Article: “How Should Christians Date?”

Source: Relevant Magazine (online)

            David Halberstam [this is from a class text, "Telling True Stories"] suggests, “When you find a reporter whose work you admire, break his or her code” (13). I chose this article on dating in the world of Christianity because I have also wrestled with this subject. Also, the kind of nonfiction reporting/writing found in Relevant magazine, is the exact kind of writing that I am drawn to; I could see myself writing similar articles someday. I wanted to analyze an article that is similar to what I am interested in writing.

            The first thing I noticed about this article, “How Should Christians Date?”, by Nicole Unice, is that she gives advice and tips to young Christians that oppose the norm. (That’s what I’ve been thinking about lately – I want to write about something from a new perspective, something that is countercultural or helps to generate a new way of thinking.) I grew up in a religious environment where I learned (either explicitly or implicitly) that the purpose of dating is solely to find your future spouse, casual dating is sinful and unproductive in moving toward that goal, and to “[judge] a potential guy or girl for the 38 qualities you are looking for in an ideal mate”(1).

            From personal experience – limited experience, probably due to this restrictive mindset I once adopted – I know that this is the “safe” form of dating. It’s not very enjoyable. It’s kind of confusing and full of all kinds of pressure. I went on one date that was a ton of fun last winter. He was easy to be around, made me laugh, and seemed to be on the same page as far as our philosophy of dating and relationships. Then on the drive home, the cynicism crept in as I began to question if dating was really for me and by the way, what the heck even is dating?! I was gently reminded by a friend that night that I don’t have to know that I’m going to marry the man after sitting in a coffee shop for two hours together. It’s just not realistic. [Regardless, I still felt that pressure.]

            I would suspect that Nicole Unice is going to draw in a large amount of readers to this article because it goes against what Christian youth are typically taught. I don’t think that those original teachings I heard as a teenager were meant to lead me into a rigid life of seclusion, but in the end, that was the result and it took me a while to work out of it. Her subtitle is “Why it’s time to simplify the puzzle of Christian romance.” She introduces the topic using humor and relevant concepts, i.e. – alluding to “the list” in calling out the judgmental mentality in checking off those “38 qualities you are looking for in an ideal mate” (1).

            Then Unice uses a list of four things that she deems are required for Christians to move away from this rigid, pressure-filled mentality toward dating and more of a freeing, enjoyable process of actually getting to know someone. This article “works” because it is extremely relevant to young Christians who are generally taught the “rules” of dating, which are extremely restrictive. Unice still presents a godly, biblical example of the process of getting to know someone, but without all the mess. This is a new way of thinking that, at least in my case, challenges an old way of thinking. She also uses pop culture references (i.e. the Duggars) in presenting points, which helps the reader to relate. The list format, with a headline/explanation under each point, brings organization to the piece and provides a clear path for the reader to travel down as he or she continues to read the article.
Continued post school assignment:
Nicole Unice asserts that the Christian dating scene is "weird." I would have to agree. No two people have the same definition or expectations of dating. It is simple weird and absurd to assume that I will know the whole of another human being after one experience together. I understand, and absolutely support, the idea that "there are only two options: you either get married or break up" and I am seriously all about avoiding unnecessary heartbreak and emotional drama. But, honestly, "heartbreak" (hard things in general) can lead to personal growth and in some cases, doesn't have to follow every single dating situation one enters. I can go on a "date" with a guy and CHOOSE to not create an emotional attachment based on "wow, he opened the door for me so he must be a gentleman" or "he offered to pray before dinner so I'm sure he loves Jesus a LOT!" Without that emotional attachment, things aren't weird! I can decide to either continue spending time with and getting to know the guy, or decide that I'm not interested in doing so. And both are OKAY.
I think another concept perpetuated in Christian circles is that there is some kind of model of godly dating. If you veer from this model (will someone please direct me to such a thing??!), then you have suddenly strayed from the straight and narrow and require an intervention to return to a state of holiness. (exaggeration, not cynicism. fyi.)
This perceived "model" causes the individual attempting to "date" to be in a constant state of confusion and always feeling like he/she is in the wrong. I must have said something wrong or done something wrong and now the possibility of this relationship is doomed to failure. When in reality, that model doesn't even EXIST. We (as young Christians looking for spouses. or YCLFS, for those of us who appreciate abbreviations.) must understand that every single relationship is going to look different. Just because somebody else experienced dating one way, doesn't mean that you will - and that is OKAY. God has written a very specific, special, intentional love story for you and you will NOT want to miss out on it because you were trying to live somebody else's love story. That's just not the way it works. There IS no "way it works," and that's my point. :)
Also - I recently realized the underlying issue of why I felt this lingering sense of shame related to the topic in the above paragraph. I had heard from countless women speakers/authors/leaders things like, "Don't kiss before you're married," "You should only date who you're going to marry - I never dated anyone besides my husband," and "Your relationship should look like A+B=Marriage." It all sounded good at the time, and I am 100% certain that these women have pure intentions. But what I didn't realize at the time is that I equated all of those things and more to purity and godliness. Anything that strayed from the experience of that particular woman, and I was suddenly in sin. (THIS is not biblical.) If I didn't marry the first person I dated, then I was not going to have a story like HER'S to share, and gosh, her's just sounded so biblical and right. So where does that leave me?
And we wonder why there is so much pressure in dating?!
Okay, I'm getting a little fired up and this blog post is already over 1200 words so I'm just going to end with that and possibly resume the thought process on another day. :)

Pay Heed to Those Little Lessons

I am firm believer that there is something we can learn in just about every situation. Whether a life changing epiphany or a minor everyday realization. We always have MORE to learn, and we might as well take every opportunity to soak up new wisdom, and understanding of grace & love.

Those subtle opportunities for growth or gaining greater understanding may come and go without a second thought. When we pass by them, they're essentially meaningless. Truth not accepted and taken to heart does little to transform a life.

If you haven't been able to discern from my last several posts, life has been completely crazy lately. I could write a long list outlining the craziness, but I'll spare you. Just take my word for it. INsane. By the middle of last week I was so exhausted I wanted to cry. If I even thought for 5 seconds about that long list of craziness - and how much of it I was yet to complete - my eyes filled with tears. It was just a natural reflex. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically SPENT.

Also - I knew I was going into a hectic weekend watching the kids with no break.

Friday night after the kids went to bed I made chamomile tea, put the fireplace on (my favorite!), and just had some peaceful, quiet, relaxing, alone time. An introvert's heaven.

When I woke up Saturday morning at 5:57 (I told Gannon that he couldn't get out of bed until the clock read six, zero, zero.), I felt more rested than I have in a long time. It was the first thing I noticed - I didn't feel groggy or sick or grumpy or weary or frazzled or weak. (which, unfortunately, had been the norm)

I quickly made the correlation to how I spent a few hours the night before. I know that I am introverted, which just means that I get energy from being alone, rather than with other people. It is crucial that I have "downtime" to recoup and reenergize, otherwise I am just depleted of energy very quickly - which affects my emotions, mental capacity, and physical energy. aka - every other area of my life.

Paying heed to that correlation is a reminder that if I don't plan for time to be refreshed the way that I receive it best, everything else will suffer. Yes, the Lord will provide strength and sustenance, but I need to use wisdom, too. I saw how greatly that time alone affected me; the "lesson" is only effective if I choose to pay heed and apply it continuously.


Have you been paying attention to the subtle lessons to be learned from every situation?

What lessons have you learned or experienced lately that you need to apply?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Practicing Parenting

[I really wanted to title this post "Birth Control at it's Finest"... hahaha]

I spent the weekend with the two crazy kids that I nanny regularly while their parents were on a trip. Overall, the kids did wonderfully and I think we all had a blast! Although, I have had a headache for the last 6ish hours and words cannot describe how tired I am. So. Very. Exhausted.

I've watched the kids for multiple days a few times... and it is always such a learning experience.

I also gain 982734098723847 times more respect, appreciation, and AWE for mothers. Really, parents in general. But I will only ever be a mother, so that's what I can relate with.

We did all kinds of fun things! Started out the party weekend with "Read Night" at their school, which was basically a fair that was all about reading and writing. Saturday morning they both had soccer games. If you have not made it out to watch a group of 5-year-olds play soccer... I highly recommend it! Oh my word, they were so funny! After that we went to the library, rented a movie to watch at home, and ate homemade chili for dinner. Today we went to my soccer game and they cheered me on.... er, rather they played with the other kids and dogs on the sidelines. Then we went to Qdoba for lunch - their favorite - and came home for a little bit before church this evening. 

1. Time seriously goes by SO fast! Between cooking, feeding, cleaning, bathing, clothing, disciplining, and driving, that's basically the whole day! How are mom's ever able to do anything besides just be a MOM?! 

2. I'm tired enough to go to bed when they do.... but I treasure this peace & quiet time so much more. :) Jane Eyre, fireplace on, hot tea, pajamas. Love it. I don't love that I really should be doing homework.

3. If I simply walk away from a child who is throwing a fit, the whole thing usually blows over in about 3 minutes as he or she comes bouncing into the kitchen with a joke to tell. Blows my mind.

4. Everything is going to take twice as long as I think it will. i.e., getting out the door: "G get your shoes on... no you may not take your light saber to the soccer game... C get your water bottle... where are your socks?... did anybody feed the dog?" 
(see #1. No time for ANYTHING.)

5. "Sleeping in" this morning until almost 7:00am = heaven!

6. I love, love, love, questions and discussions and prayers with these little ones. 
G: "Raise your hand if you like church more than school. Me!!!" 
C: "Some people don't love God."
Me: "Some people don't love God because they don't know Him. That's why I went to Panama for a long time last summer."
G: "What did you tell them?"
Me: "I told them that God loves them and created them to be in a relationship with Him, but when we sin - make bad decisions - we can't be with God. So He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our mistakes by dying on the cross and then raising from the dead and if we believe in Him, we can live forever." 
[Every opportunity to share the GOSPEL.]
[I wish I could record every precious thing they say.]

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Grateful for Grace

I caught myself this morning as I reprimanded Gan for standing on the couch. 

"Gannon! This is the tenth time I've asked you not to stand or jump on the couch! You may sit on the couch or stand on the floor. If I see you do that again, I will turn the wii off for the rest of the morning."

I was quite exasperated.

And I'm sure I sounded like it, too.

It wasn't just that... I woke up way later than I planned so I didn't feel ready for the day, I wasn't feeling well, his sister was having a bad attitude doing her homework... so, my patience was just running thin all around.

Gan looked at me, quietly said, "Okay," and sat down on the couch.

Unfortunately, I didn't "catch myself" saying that until after I said it.

It wasn't that I yelled or sounded overly angry. 
(slightly irritated, probably, but not angry)

It was a reminder to me that, though I lose my patience, God never does. 
His grace abounds. 

He never looks at a mess I've made and says, "Kailene! I've told you a hundred times not to respond that way! If you do it again, that's it." Or "We've been through this so many times and it's really getting old. I wish you would just learn to be disciplined." Even when it seems like I've made that mistake or responded that way or not measured up over and over and over and over again. 

I was in a relationship once where in a serious conversation the other person sighed and told me, "Kailene, we've been over this before..." I felt like I was in trouble. I felt belittled. It's the, "when will you ever learn?" mentality. 
PEOPLE sometimes think that way; GOD never does.

There does need to be a balance of truth and grace. Sometimes Gan needs truth -- it's okay to be firm and set boundaries for him. But I want him to know that I have grace for him, too. That even when he makes mistakes or lapses in judgment (this happens fairly often when you're five), I still believe that he is capable of making good decisions. More importantly, I hope that he sees that God believes that of him.

I can look at different areas of my life and see "messes." But I know that God isn't done with me yet. He has brought me thus far, and I am confident that the work He began will be carried on to completion. (Philippians 1:6)


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


"Thankful Thursday" is being moved to WEDNESDAY this week... for those of us who are living in our own little worlds and don't actually know what day it is. Oops. :)

Great, now I'm going to wake up tomorrow and think it's FRIDAY!

Thankful Thurs! [better late than never]

Whew, I made it! I was just succombing to the reality that I'm not going to get much farther on my paper tonight, therefore, I'm done with homework... getting ready for bed... getting ready for my day tomorrow... and when I titled my to-do list "Thursday," I realized I forgot to post "Thankful Thursday" today! That's okay, though, because it's still Thursday. At least it is in Idaho, which is where I am, so that's the time zone that counts.

Oh my. So much to be thankful for.

... seeing God continually work in my life. Sometimes I surprise myself by how I respond in a situation because it's not how I used to respond. Then I realize that my responses are different because I have GROWN. God is so faithful. I am not who I once was, by His grace alone.

... a commitment-free night tonight! I was able to go to the gym after class for the first time in too long to confess. :) I enjoy working out, but I have had ZERO time recently and have struggled making my health a priority. It felt great to go exercise.

... the peace of God that transcends all understanding.

... the eventful (for Boise) rain and wind storm the other day that reminded me of when I lived in east Texas.

... scarves, boots & cardigan sweaters. Ah, I just love dressing for cold weather.

... the drastic change in colors all over Boise - such beautifully vibrant reds, yellows and oranges. I am in awe.

... a much needed conversation with a dear friend in which I had a crucial realization about my life. Thankful for clarity and healing and moving forward. Again, God is just so faithful.

... getting excited about plans for next summer. Praying about WHERE God wants me to go for a month with Global Expeditions. Beyond excited!

... speaking of traveling, it must just be in my veins -- just came back from five days in California, going to Portland in December, planning a trip to Texas at some point in the next 4 months or so, Hawaii in June, mystery country (Panama??) in July. I just hope this year is a picture of what my life will look like. :)

... excited to start meeting with a group of girls at BSU! Praying for wisdom & direction.
What are you especially THANKFUL for today?
Take a minute to think about it. Acknowledge God for who He is and how He has blessed you. It does a heart a TON of good.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Loving Fall

There's a cold front coming in today with a wind advisory all afternoon. I don't know what this says about me, if anything, but I have a strange fascination with weather. (I hate science, though, so it has nothing to do with that.) I absolutely love storms. Thunderstorms, lightning, snowstorms, or anything out of the ordinary. 

I couldn't find any gloves this morning, though... I think all of my warm clothes are in storage. I'll have to go pick those up soon because my fingers are going to freeze tonight when I leave campus and make the long walk to my car around 9:00 and it's 35 degrees, which I haven't felt in a loooong time.

I love sweaters, hot tea, Christmas movies & music (they just come naturally with cold weather), boots, scarves, soup, fuzzy blankets, the end of the semester, puffy vests, red/yellow/orange leaves, the sound of rain, preparing for and celebrating holidays.

So many things to look forward to. 

But really, I could write this same post at the start of any season. There are things that I love & appreciate about Winter, Spring and Summer, too. I don't know if I could even name a favorite, because there are so many pros/cons to each. I'd have to weigh them carefully and then decide.

Probably by making a list. That's just how I roll.

Not to over spiritualize things, but isn't this like LIFE, too?

There are pros/cons for every season. Just like when it's Winter, everyone wants it to be Summer... a lot of times we want to be in a different season of life. "The grass is always greener on the other side." We want what we can't have or, better yet, we want what someone else has. We think that we should be done with the current season we're in and move on to the next one, for goodness' sake. 

As I sit here drinking my warm coffee, wearing a new sweater, excited for fall & cold weather, I'm reminded that there truly is purpose in every season. In nature and in our lives. 

Just as God is sovereign over nature and created an order for plants to grow and animals to live and the world to function, He does the same thing for our lives. He is sovereign. There is purpose

Get excited about the next season, because you can be sure that it will be great. But don't forget to LIVE in this one, too. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Morning Musings

I found a little *gem* of a verse this morning. A verse that I don't remember ever hearing before, but stood right out to me packed full of truth and grace. Thank you, Jesus.

"When I said, 'My foot is slipping,' your love, Oh Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94:18-19

When I feel like I'm falling... His love supports me.

When I feel anxious and fearful... his comfort brings me joy.

Consolation: the act of consoling comfort; solace; relief; compassion; encouragement

Notes from Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, by Joanna Weaver:

"A life filled with fear has little room left for faith."

"Worry is allowing problems and distress to come between us and the heart of God. It is the view that God has somehow lost control of the situation and we cannot trust Him. A legitimate concern [rather] presses us closer to the heart of God and causes us to lean and trust on Him all the more." (Gary E. Gilley)

"...instead of worrying, we need to focus on discerning what we can do (with God's help) and what should be left entirely up to God."

"...fretting magnifies the problem, but prayer magnifies God."

It rained this morning. Everything is crisp and fresh and lovely. Thank you, God, that your mercies are new every day. Your love never fails me!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Keep Calm and... Drink Some Tea.

*New life motto!

In relation to the past several posts about stress and overwhelmedness and livin' the crazy life... what do you do when all that stuff doesn't work? Sure, it sounds good and might even be necessary to stay healthy and sane. But then reality hits and the 23984723894 items on your ever-growing to do list remain unchecked and sleep evades you and oh yeah, the car didn't magically fix itself.

What then, huh?!

Well, drink tea.

I typically choose mint tea, but any kind will work. Take your pick.

The point: carry on. Life will go on, whether we are ready or not. So just keep living and "keep the main thing, the main thing."

This is a lesson that I learned from one of my Project Directors on my trip to Panama this summer. She taught - and continues to teach - me about not giving up. Not ever, no matter what happens. She taught me to set my mind on what I was going to do and then GO. DO. IT. She taught me to stop listening to what other people thought I was capable of and push through the limitations that I had even set for myself. She taught me to forget my fears, my anxiety and keep moving forward.

The enemy wants us to be discouraged... our growth to be stunted... drained of energy and passion.

Not me.

I will keep moving forward.

I will not give up ever, no matter what. I will keep calm - even at the prospect of another crazy week - and just enjoy this cup of tea.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thankful Thursday... [the right time to be thankful]

Not that Monday or Saturday or Friday do not require or deserve thankful hearts as well, but this thankful Thursday happened to come at just the right time. It's easy to be thankful when the blessings are obvious; when things are going well and life is "smooth sailing." It's not so easy to be thankful when it seems like things keep piling up and your energy keeps draining. There's no balance there. It's much more work to have a thankful heart. It's harder to see how God is working, to see the many things we are blessed with everyday.

On my way home last night, after a 13 hr day (time away from home), I chose to drive through my favorite coffee shop because they were having a deal. [I'm a sucker for deals.] It required me to take the long way home on a quiet almost-back-road. On my way there I felt like I should use the extra time I had on the way home to pray. I didn't necessarily have anything specific on my heart, just needed to pray.

While the guys at the coffee shop were making my iced kicker, one of them said, "You have a lovely smile. Has anyone ever told you that?" As I drove away and began to talk with God I said, "Thank you, Lord, for even those little forms of encouragement." A sweet compliment from a random stranger. That blessed my heart.

Then the verse in Psalm 62:8 came to mind, 
"Trust in Him at all times, you people; 
Pour out your hearts to Him, 
for God is our refuge."

So I began to pour my heart out to Him... which resulted in implementing the fifth strategy for fighting discouragement (from this post: Rising Above) and crying the rest of the way home. My heart was open. Offering up my vulnerability, everything I am. Ready to receive... grace, wisdom, love, peace, humility. 

As I pulled up to my house and wiped my damp eyes, I thought, "It's a good thing tomorrow is 'Thankful Thursday.'" It's just what my heart needs -- that simple redirection that thankfulness brings. The right time to be thankful is when it's especially hard to be thankful. 

Today I am thankful for...
1. A fun day ahead of me w/ two cute kids at the Pumpkin Patch. I'm excited to do fall-like things.
2. An extremely refreshing long distance phone call with one of my project directors - and dear friend - from my Panama trip this summer. I'm so thankful for the time to catch up with her.
3. Being a part of my brother and sister-in-law's beautiful wedding last weekend... I love them!
4. Finding my Bible! Oh, I'm so thankful for this! After a week and a half of being lost, I checked the lost and found in the Student Union Building at school and it was there!
5. The blessing of working w/ an incredible family as their nanny. This truly is the most ideal for me right now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Things That Matter

My emotions are feeling slightly confused as I am definitely encouraged in the things that matter, but discouraged in, well, almost everything else. 

I'm encouraged by conversations with friends who celebrate my victories and remind me of truth. - "Working 30 hrs a week and being a full-time student really is a lot to take on..." Oh. Right. 

I'm encouraged by reminders that the next year is going to fly by and then I will be a college grad and go do something exciting!

I'm encouraged by subtle compliments about my writing & speaking... somewhat of a confirmation that I'm headed in the right direction... I'm beginning to live out the passions that God has put on my heart.

But there is still this underlying discouragement.

[Ha. Maybe I should pick a strategy from the list yesterday about how to overcome discouragement!]

Then I guess my question is, what if those don't work?

What if after implementing some or all of those tips, I still have this discouragement creeping in? Even with all of the ENcouragement happening in my life right now and my ability to really see the bigger picture and know what things really matter, keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, and find my strength & joy in Him every morning...

This morning, after begrudgingly making my way out of bed 30 minutes after my alarm went off and going downstairs to make some toast & tea while reading my Bible, I came across this verse in the Psalms:

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." 31:24

I was just flipping through and it caught my eye because at one point I put a square around it.

I wrote it in my journal and put brackets around each separate phrase: 
[Be strong]
[Take heart]
[You who hope in the Lord]

I understand the first and the last phrases and I've obviously heard the middle phrase, but what does it really mean to "take heart"? The term 'heart' is extremely ambiguous. I looked up the phrase on and was actually surprised by what I found.

Related words for "take heart" --
     Dare, take a risk, be courageous, be bold

Well, shoot, that's not "safe" at all! I know that my hope is found in Jesus, so what should I do with that lingering discouragement? Be strongThe JOY of the Lord is my strength. Take heart. Take a risk. Be bold and courageous. Don't just survive, thrive. Don't just sit back and wait, do something. That may mean a little trial and error. That may mean that things don't always work out the way I think they're supposed to.

I have nothing to worry about in boldly taking risks as one who's hope is in the Lord, because I know that nothing that I do is outside of His ability to love me and rescue me. He's got my back. My life is in His hands.

When do I feel most ALIVE? When I'm doing something that completely freaks me out. 
I can focus on the discouragement or I can get out there and LIVE.

So true.

Moral of the story: Don't give up. Keep pushing through. In the words of my linguistics professor prior to the midterm: "This too shall pass." Sure, "weeping may endure for the night, but His joy comes in the morning"(Psalm 30:5, AMP). 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rising Above

We've all been there... the car broke down, every weekend seems to be booked from now until forever, the numbers on the scale keep going up instead of down, just when you think you've finally caught up, there's another mound of work to do... life can get overwhelming faster than I can read through my to do list to even know what all I'm overwhelmed with! 

I read this list last night in the book I just started reading and wanted to share it with you because:
     1. I love lists.
     2. I especially love PRACTICAL lists.
     3. It's good to know that I'm not alone in needing to apply a few or all of these things.
     4. Everyone needs this reminder every now and then because we have an enemy who is working against us and wants to make us believe that we shouldn't need any of these things.

Joanna Weaver's "Five Strategies for Fighting Discouragement" 
(Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, 2000, p. 21, italics mine)

1. Allow for rest stops. Discouragement is often our body's way of saying, "Stop! I need rest." Try taking a nap or getting to bed a little earlier. It's amazing how different things will look in the light of morning. 

"Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest." Exodus 34:21

This is so important! I remember my first year out of high school, I had just moved from Oregon to Texas, and I learned how to tell when I was getting sick. I correlated it to a mother knowing when her child is tired or hungry. She just knows the signs. Well, I was excited that I could know those same signs for myself, too. I know that when I start to get sick (sometimes due to stress), I lose my appetite and can't seem to get enough sleep. It's just a matter of evaluating where you're at and recognize when your body needs more or less of something. It truly is amazing what a good night's rest can do.

2. Get a new point of view. Take a few steps back and ask God to help you see his perspective on your situation. Often what seems to be an impassable mountain in our eyes is only a steppingstone in His.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9 (substituted from the verse in the book)

It's all about perspective. Really. Sure, my computer breaking is frustrating -- but it was an easy fix and was only out of commission for four days. I will live. Sure, not studying for a linguistics midterm will not lead to a high grade and that will just fit in the grade book nicely next to my less-than-great homework assignment grades -- but I've made it through hard classes before and I will make it through this one. I am not defined by my grades. Look at your frustration from a different angle.

3. Have patience. It's easy to get discouraged when things don't go the way you planned. But if you've committed your concerns to the Lord, you can be sure he is at work, even when you don't see his hand.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Just trust. Trust and obey. Trust that His plans for you are GOOD and He is not going to leave you or forsake you. Your life is in His hands. Rely on this truth and the worry fades away... most of the time, in my own life, I don't even see the "lesson" or "growth opportunity" or purpose in those times of discouragement until I'm through them looking back. Be patient to wait and experience those times because God's plan is far better than anything we could come up with on our own!

4. Mingle. Discouragement feeds off isolation. Get out of the house! Go visit some friends. It's amazing how good, old-fashioned fellowship can lift our spirits and chase away the blues.

"How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

There are definitely times when I need to be alone and just rest in God's presence. There are definitely other times when I need to choose to avoid isolation and go be social. I'm usually grateful for it in the end. Part of knowing yourself is knowing when you need to be alone and when you need to be with other people. It's not always about what you WANT to do either. Check your motives. Sometimes I just need to get out of my own head and stop focusing on myself long enough to see that the world is bigger than my problems. I need to get out of that pit of self-pity and focus on someone else - serving, loving or simply enjoying other people.

5. Set the timer. Okay. So things aren't so good. I've found it helpful to set the oven timer and allow ten minutes for a good cry. But when the buzzer sounds, I blow my nose, wipe my eyes, and surrender my situation to the Lord so I can move on.

"a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance," Ecclesiastes 3:4

It's okay to cry. Crying is actually healthy. It releases toxins, lowers stress, and elevates mood. (According to PsychCentral) Crying is NOT a sign of weakness. The point is not to allow yourself to wallow, but to acknowledge the frustration/discouragement/etc, experience the emotions (cry/journal), and then surrender to the Lord so you can move on. Crying for 10 minutes is a healthy release; crying for 10 days, probably not so much.

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." 
Deuteronomy 31:8

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Morning Musings...

A wedding, trip to California, family, school, midterms, a serious lack of studying (blah), balance, peace that passes all understanding, freezing cold, broken computer, broken car, there goes my effort to SAVE money, writing, reading, time management, rest, mountains, blessed...

I just needed to get that list of "everything-that's-on-my-heart" out there in the open.

There's a lot going on! 

I look forward to the time in my life when, put simply, my life can solely be devoted to ministry and is not split between school / work / ministry. I can't seem to find the balance. (I know that balance will not suddenly appear in my life when I am a college graduate... just saying. It sure would be nice not to have to spend so much time on that!)
School is hard and I'm slowly falling more and more behind. 
Work is... work. I love being a nanny. This Thursday we're going to the Pumpkin Patch and it's going to be so fun... mostly because it finally feels like fall outside!
And ministry -- well, I am LOVING working w/ Cru at BSU. Seriously, loving it. But I wish I could devote at least 10 more hours a week to ministry. This is my niche. Discipleship group. Evangelism. Women's ministry. Practicing speaking through emceeing at Fuel. It's GREAT. But I don't feel like I'm doing that as well as I could be because I am overwhelmed with school work.
It's a cycle. 

I read a friend's blog this morning that reminded me of the comparison trap. (Stephanie @ Expecting the Unexpected) Usually, when I feel discouraged and think that I can't do something or I'm failing at something it's because I think that I should be able to do well or I see other people do well and wonder why I just can't. This is comparison. And comparison steals my ability to be thankful for what I have and who I am.
Wow. This is TRUTH. Comparison steals joy.

I don't know about you, but I need to remember to stop looking 
AROUND and simply look UP. 

I will take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Thank goodness.

One day at a time. That's all. Today, I will worry about today. 
Tomorrow will worry about itself. 

I just need to do the best that I can do & pray that God will use me to be a light in a dark place. A minister of His grace when I find myself in a mess. A place of quiet confidence & peace when everything else seems to be chaotic and stressful.

You are not defined by your failures.

Oh Lord, thank you for Your grace.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursday #3

Gosh, another alliteration... I'm gettin' good at this!

*I was planning on posting pictures... but I left my phone at my brother's apartment. So I'll do that later. Oh well!

1. WEDDING WEEK IN CALI! That's a big bundle of thankfulness all wrapped up in one. :) I've got family that I haven't seen in 6+ months, friends, summery weather, gaining a sibling, decorating for a beautiful wedding, late night talk w/ my brother who will be a married man in 48 hours... whew!

Need I even say more?!

And yet, my heart CONTINUES to be thankful...

2. I'm thankful for a firm foundation of truth and the choice to not be a crazy, stressed, frazzled mess.

3. I'm thankful for the TRUTH that says that I am loved. I'm forgiven. I'm set free. I'm confident in Jesus' Name. I'm wrapped in my Heavenly Father's arms.

4. I'm thankful for a short vacation and time to get away from the crazyness of "everyday"..... really, just trading one kind of crazyness for another. Preparing for a wedding is insane. And I'm not even doing all that much.

5. I'm thankful for dear friends who I know will support me and encourage me and love me when it's my turn to be the bride.

6. I'm thankful that the condition of my heart is not swayed by the whims of people around me or the circumstances I find myself in. HE guards my heart and covers me in the peace that passes all understanding.

7. I'm thankful that I have the Word of God written on my heart. Even though I lost my Bible. :(

8. I'm thankful that a friend is working on my car while I'm out of town.

9. I'm thankful for how much homework I've gotten done and for understanding professors.

10. I'm thankful that even if I don't get ALL of my homework done to the standard that I would like to get it done.... I will still be okay. Life goes on. My brother's getting married. I will do my best and that's all I can do. There's grace. Thank you, Lord.