
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Numero Dos

1. New-to-me Music... I discovered "All the Sons and Daughters" this week and LOVE them. Especially this song: "Wake Up" - currently on repeat as I write this. Especially because of what God has been teaching me in the past few months. Especially in light of my current read by Erwin McManus, "Wide Awake," which I am also thankful for.

2. T-Minus 5 1/2 days until I get to see my Momma!!!! So very, very thankful for her.

3. The capabilities of instant messaging. Three days in a row this week I talked to a different person in Panama. I love that I can stay connected with them. God continues to expand my heart for these people.

4. I'm thankful for the funny little things Gannon says throughout the morning... this kid cracks me up. Sometimes you just need to see life from the eyes of a 5-year old!

5. In 8 days I get a new sister! It'll be just like Christmas. Wrapped up in a wedding. Plus lots of friends and family. Ah, I just LOVE to celebrate! So thankful for my brother and his sweet bride. :)

6. Living out my passion... even though life seems to be engulfed with other things at the moment, I still have the opportunity to be a part of some AWESOME ministry at BSU. I am incredibly grateful for the close-knit staff team. I am looking forward to our girls hike tomorrow to continue building relationships and investing in the women of Cru. I'm excited to meet with the other ladies on the staff team this afternoon to brainstorm other ideas and dream big. Use us, Lord.

7. Frozen yogurt... because who ISN'T thankful for a gigantic cup of deliciousness??! Fro yo is good for the soul & good for healthy friendships. Love it.

8. Making friends. I know this sounds silly, but it is SO nice to have a couple friends to study with from my classes this semester. 

I like this. "Gratitude turns what we have into enough."

The point of listing what I'm thankful for is to simply acknowledge that I have plenty of reasons to be thankful. I have more than enough. God is my provider and He meets ALL my needs ALL the time. He sees my heart. 

On a day like today where I spent as many hours in the library last night (about 4) as I did sleeping after that (not enough) AND I have a completely full schedule, plus multiple assignments due in the next 36 hours... it's a good reminder that I have enough. 
That I am enough. 



  1. It's so important to focus on the good things. I made a list earlier today - "I GET to take classes. I GET to spend time with my healthy kids. I GET to be my husband's wife. I GET to work my healthy mobile body to maintain/improve my health." All the things that sometimes start to overwhelm are truly blessings to be counted. I love this weekly entry!

  2. Yes! That's so great. I think that this is a tactic of the enemy: "All the things that sometimes start to overwhelm are truly blessings to be counted." Well said, my friend. God gives us blessings but it's like the enemy intercepts them unless we're proactive in receiving them and accepting them for what they truly are. Thank you, Rhoni!!!
