
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Morning Musings -- A List For You

A list. Because it has become clear that I only have the ability to focus on one thing for about 5.9 seconds before I feel the need to move onto something else. (preferably, something more fun and exciting... and Christmas-y) HENCE, the reason why my productivity in preparing for finals week (aka - studying for an exam and finishing drafts for two twenty page writing projects. ha!) has been minimal, if I want to use a "generous" adjective. "Minimal" probably doesn't even describe how little progress I've made. 


"This too shall pass!" 

Amen and amen.

1. I discovered apple chips this weekend and they're AMAZING. The bag holds approximately two serving sizes (my measurement, not the bag's) and they're a kind of spendy treat.... so my goal this week is to figure out how to make them on my own! It can't be that hard. Besides, they will probably make a great study snack. 

2. I'm giving a presentation today using a POSTERBOARD. Talk about old school. It's been about twelve years since I've done that. I decided that this is proof that technology has enhanced our lives because I probably would have been done preparing for the presentation in HALF the time. And my knees hurt from kneeling on the floor to write on it. I don't know why I felt like posterboards must be created on the floor and not a table...

3. I'm house/dog sitting this week and last night I swear I heard an alarm go off at 3:08am. Not an alarm clock as in what I ignored three hours later, but something like a smoke detector or security system. I was convinced that either the house was on fire or there was a burglar. I literally jumped out of bed, but half way to the door the alarm stopped and I realized that if somebody WAS in the house, I was NOT going out there to find out! So I went back to bed, turned the lamp on, and stayed there wide awake and freaked out for almost an hour. When I woke up I couldn't decide if it really happened or I had a bad dream. I know I woke up and jumped out of bed, but the alarm just doesn't make sense. It seemed so real and loud at the time, though! Tonight, I'm going to sleep with a baseball bat by my bed.

4. 10 days until Christmas break!!!

5. Tomorrow morning I'm going to get a haircut and do some Christmas shopping. Do I have time to do these things? Probably not. But it's not my fault that the semester ends on December 21st! That is practically Christmas. And it's the day I leave for Portland... so I don't really have the option to wait until I'm done with finals. Maybe that will help with motivation? Do something fun and Christmas-y in the morning and then push through homework all afternoon? Hopefully.

6. Yesterday I got out my Linguistics textbook and made some tasty guacamole to sit down and bust out this assignment. I made it as far as opening my book and reading the first problem 25 times.... and then I scheduled an appointment with the linguistics tutors. Then I closed my book and moved onto my poster board. Productivity at it's FINEST.

7. I want there to be a snowstorm. I know that 95% of Boise is against me in that wish, but I will hold my ground!

8. I love, love, LOVE it when my friends from Panama City and the Darien Jungle instant message me on facebook. I get to work on my Spanish skills (they need some serious attention right now...) and it's a good reminder of the amazing things that God did in my life and the lives of SO many others this summer. AND it makes me excited about Summer 2013!!!

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