
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, December 3, 2012

And Life Goes On...

I was thinking this morning about writing on a random decision making process I went through from this weekend... and I realized that every few months you will inevitably find a post having to do with making decisions in some form or fashion. That's not a sign that I have nothing to say. That's a sign that I'm living life! Life is a constant succession of decisions. Little ones every day that define who I am, what is important to me, and where I'm going; big ones every so often that seem to clearly dictate the path I choose to take in the long term. ("long term" as in, as far in advance as I can even begin to plan.)

My favorite "decision making" verses were conveniently contained in the first couple chapters of Proverbs that I happened to read this morning. *love when that happens.*

"...he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. 
Then you will understand what is right and just and fair - every good path. 
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. 
Discretion will protect you and understanding will guard you."

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

"Her [wisdom] ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace."

-- Proverbs 2:8-11; 3:5-6, 17 --
{I highly suggest reading all of both chapters... so good!}

The exciting thing about me moving forward in these decisions is that I did it all on my own! It didn't come in the midst of conversation or from another person's persuasion. (These things have gotten me in trouble in the past!) I am even now, as I write this, realizing how critical this is -- I just made two decisions for the next year of my life without concern of judgment from other people!

[Gosh, I love seeing growth & confidence actually play out in real life!] 

"Pursue what God has put on your heart, not what someone else thinks should be on your heart." - Roger Hershey

It all started on a drive home from dinner at The Olive Garden... I don't even remember consciously thinking about planning out my life or making a decision or anything like that. I just remember that when I pulled up to my house, the lingering questions in my mind were: 

"Why not?"

"What's holding me back?" 

I keep saying things like, "I'm going to Panama again next summer! But maybe not. Because I'm not really convinced that that's what God wants me to do. So... we'll see." I have prayed, sought wise counsel, considered my options, and Panama has still weighs heavy on my heart. 

"Step out in Faith and trust God to direct your steps and cover for your mistakes. Faith is not waiting until you know 100% what to do." - Roger Hershey

What am I waiting for? A neon sign? A prophet? A billboard? A letter in the mail?

I love that nugget from Roger Hershey about moving forward and taking steps of faith, and trusting God to "direct your steps and cover for your mistakes." After that drive home, I decided that I've done everything I need to do, now it's time to take the steps of faith and trust that God has my back.

So I applied to be a Team Leader in Panama again this summer!

I was waiting for some kind of sign that had to do with my involvement with Cru (BSU Campus Ministry) for the next year as well. I've been skirting around a decision and gathering information and praying... but still just waiting. Maybe those Olive Garden bread sticks brought on some kind of wake up call in my heart. ;-) 

This decision is more *risky* than a month in Panama. It requires building a greater financial support system. But it has continued to be on my heart... and it just makes sense with where I will be (still a student until next Dec) and the passions that God has put on my heart. So, again, what am I waiting for? 

I'm excited! Living life for Jesus is such an adventure!

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