
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Perfect Coffee.

What does it take for you to get out of bed in the morning? What is it that helps you wake up and get ready for the day?

What do you absolutely need to make it through the day?

Where do you run to in the midst of Hard times? Good times? Sorrows? Celebrations?

I cringe when I hear phrases like this:

"I just need my coffee."

"I really need a drink."

"I need to watch a movie or read a book and just veg."

And my favorite:
"I just need a MAN in my life."

I cringe, especially when those desires come straight from my own heart and out of my own mouth.

What we really mean when we say things like that is, 
"I just want to escape from reality. 
I need something outside of myself to turn to."

That desire reflects a sincere, God-given need in each of our hearts. He gave us a need for HIM. We do feel restless at times, because our hearts were made for something greater than this world. We do search for Someone outside of ourselves, because we were each made uniquely for an intimate relationship with our Divine Creator.

It's not wrong or weak or shallow. We really DO need something. 

But often times, we put the wrong "thing" in first place.

Exhibit A: My cup of coffee.


I have developed a distinct love for coffee over the past few years. Not necessarily an, "I need coffee to peel my eyelids open in the morning" kind of need. It's mostly just the idea of coffee. The consistency, routine - as long as there's creamer available. The image of sipping on a warm cup of sweet, french vanilla flavored coffee in a fun mug, while watching the snow fall and reading a book. It all encompasses my favorite feeling.

But do I need it? Not at all.

I think we have a strong tendency to rely heavily on things that will not sustain us. 

Even the caffeine and sugar in coffee will only give you energy and keep you awake for so long. It won't last. The sedation caused by alcohol may increase your problems rather than eliminate them, if used poorly. The escape from reality brought on by a good storyline in a book or movie is temporary. You will have to return to the real world eventually and experience your own emotions and hardships, not just live vicariously to fictional characters. And whatever loneliness you feel now will not magically disappear when you enter into a relationship; in fact, relationships tend to bring out a lot of mess in your heart. They're not easy.

None of those things will fully and completely satisfy. 

They are not bad in and of themselves, but when used in such a way so as to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart or become idols, they will most definitely leave your searching heart continuing to search.

Seek FIRST His Kingdom & His righteousness.

These are the thoughts that came to mind as I drank coffee from that mug this morning. I do enjoy it, and many other things, but first and foremost may I seek the King and my place in His Kingdom. 

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