
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday {one day at a time}


Happy Snow Day!

Well, at least we're having a snow day here! I swear, when I find out that school is canceled due to snow (even though I'm 24 years old AND still on Christmas break from classes; therefore, the excitement and even relevance of snow days should be a thing of the past. One would think...), it triggers something in my brain that causes me to revert back to my 13 year old self. 

The childhood me who would pray earnestly for feet upon feet of snow and then wake early to sit in the dark living room, wrapped up in a blanket, and watch the local news on TV waiting to see if we were blessed with treacherous enough road conditions to scare the district superintendent into closing schools for the day. My mom would wake up to the blue flicker of the television light and know that I was sitting out there awaiting the verdict. Snow days are definitely second in my book to Christmas morning. Always have been and I'm sure always will be.

I remember one particular snow day where as soon as the school closures were announced and celebrated I bounded off to my closet to dig out my snow gear... then spent FOREVER prodding my little brother and pleading with him to PLEASE come outside and play with me! I have no doubt that if we still lived together, the morning of this snow day probably would not have varied much.

Not only did we have a snow day here, but apparently this has not happened since December 1, 2010. Definitely a rarity. Definitely a reason to celebrate. Definitely tried to celebrate and then failed at making a snowman AND eagerly shoveled the driveway too early.... right before another couple inches fell. Pshh.

Thankful Thursday, yes, posting on Friday. Partly because I got interrupted yesterday in writing the first half of this post. Partly because that seems to be the nature of these no-man land two weeks in between going home for Christmas and heading back to school. Two weeks of kind of working (but not a "regular" schedule), weird sleeping patterns (i.e. staying up all night to read a novel in 5 hrs), lots and lots of snow and temperatures down to FOUR degrees (aka - I don't really like leaving my house. Then forget that I actually have to carry on with my life and get things done.), "catch up time" - cleaning, organizing, chatting with long distance friends, reading, sleeping, movie watching... all the things that don't happen much while classes are in session.

All of that to say, I think I've learned to just take one day at a time. It really does feel like no-man's land. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be DOING during this time. I hated it a couple of years ago, but I think I've learned to soak it up and appreciate the random time to get random things done.

I tend to get overwhelmed pretty quickly once the semester starts... so these hours of free time are vitally important. Hopefully all this rest will help me take on the semester with determination and healthy perspective (FREE from perfectionism!). 

All of that is what I'm thankful for... the snow, reading by the fire, so much time to rest & recuperate, sweet conversations with friends, dreaming for the future. 

So thankful!

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