
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Titles Are Not Important...

Call it what you may: Quiet Time... Devotions... Sweet Hour of Prayer (my personal favorite)

God desires time with YOU.

And if you've chosen to invest in your relationship with the Lord and spend time in His presence, then you probably have moments where YOU desire time with HIM, too.

In His presence is fullness of joy. [Psalm 16:11]

I love what Bob Goff, the author of Love Does, says: "I used to think I could learn about Jesus by studying him, but now I know Jesus doesn't want stalkers."

[This quote also reminds me of a book by Kyle Idleman called Not a Fan -- Highly recommend reading this book!!!]

The point is, do I want a relationship with God that is equivalent to someone I only know via facebook? Maybe I've read his entire "about me" and "info" section, facts about his background. Maybe I looked through his photo albums so I have a pretty good idea of what he looks like and enjoys doing. Maybe I browsed the comments left on his wall by other people and am inspired by what they say to him. I can make all kinds of judgments and claim a "relationship" with him just by acting as what is commonly referred to as a "facebook stalker." Is that the kind of relationship I want with God?

To me, that seems awfully fake. Shallow. Superficial. Basically, pretty lame.

I would never settle for a "facebook only / stalkerish" relationship with my best friend. I want some face-to-face interaction, quality time. I want to hear from HER what is going on in her life, not anyone else. I want to share my heart with her and tell her what's going on in my own life, too. In fact, it's not just that I want these things; it is important for the survival of our relationship that we communicate in this way and share life together. If I suddenly stopped being open with her, communicating that I care about her, showing her that she is a priority to me, etc.... our friendship would eventually die.

Think about that analogy in regards to your relationship with the Lord.

Maybe a little challenging. Maybe a little convicting. I hope it is for some of you, because it is for me, too!

As I think about what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus -- Yes, reading the Bible is important. Yes, going to church is vital. Yes, I need some strong accountability in my life. But we HAVE to remember that it's about a relationship... not a bunch of rules. If we lose sight of this, then we lose everything. We miss the whole point. Jesus doesn't want a stalker, he wants YOU. The real deal.

It doesn't matter what you call it... titles are not important.
(Although, I think I might start saying, "It's time for my sweet hour of prayer!")

What does matter is your perspective.
Is this quality time with Jesus something that you do like homework and then cross it off your to do list? Does your time with Him consist of reading the gospels like his facebook page - interesting, but mere factual information to read and then be done with? Do you read the Bible like a storybook or the actual words of God written to touch your heart?

"I don't want to talk about You like You're not in the room
I want to look right at You, I want to sing right to You..." 
-- Sarah Edwards, IHOP Prayer Room []

Time to rest in His presence is so precious. It looks different for everyone.

For me, this morning is a clear picture of one of my FAVORITE ways to rest in His presence: I picked up a raspberry scone at the Saturday market, then walked to my favorite coffeeshop downtown and got a hazelnut latte "for here" - that means you get a fun mug instead of a paper cup. :). I'm blogging about what is on my heart. I have my Bible and journal out to dive into His Word and be refreshed by truth. I am listening to my worship playlist on spotify so I'm not distracted by the other people in the coffeeshop. (Currently listening to Cory Asbury, "Where I belong" -- loooove this song!!) Where I belong is in His presence... to be with Him.  "Your presence is all I am longing for, here in this secret place. Your nearness is all I am waiting for, here in the quiet place."

Sometimes I go for a hike. Or read on the porch swing.

There doesn't have to be structure or regimented guidelines.

Just quality time.

Just rest and peace and truth.

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