
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Issues of the Heart

"Jesus is the only one who can satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts. And yet, most of us turn to everything but Him in a desperate attempt to find the approval we crave."
- Leslie Ludy, Set Apart Femininity

Can you relate? As women, we have this innate desire to be found lovely and affirmed in who we are. This God-given desire is intended to be fulfilled completely by God. Even so, we often are far too concerned with what "that" guy thinks about our new outfit or making sure we maintain a perfect report card or appearing like we have it all together all the time. At the same time, how easy is it to simply say "Jesus is my everything!", then turn around and seek fulfillment from something or someone other than Jesus? We need to train our minds to dwell on TRUTH and become so consumed by it that we no longer are distracted by the lies thrown at us daily.

Personally, I feel like this concept is one that I continuously have to return to as I check my motives in, well, everything. Why do I want to wear this? Why do I want to go there? Why did I just say that? I'm a very analytical person anyways, sometimes to a fault, but it's a good thing in this sense. I get so frustrated when I recognize that I've given in to the same old lie AGAIN. This lie that I need to create some kind of attractive personality to receive attention and affirmation from someone else. The lie that I need to be something that I'm not. The lie that if I don't receive said attention or affirmation, than I am less than.

How SELF focused is that?!

I want my thoughts and actions to line up with what I know to be true. Jesus will give me all the attention I need as He is just WAITING for me to wake up and spend time with Him. He loves to give good gifts to His children and provide what we need and bless us with the desires of our hearts, when we delight in Him. He promises to complete the work He began in me... He will NOT give up on me! He will never leave me nor forsake me.

How do you train your mind to dwell on truth? First, KNOW TRUTH - read the Word. Recognize lies and get them out of your head - YOU have control over your thoughts and can decide what to allow in your mind. Choose to think on what is right, true, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8) If the thought does not fit one of those pieces of criteria, then toss it out. SPEAK TRUTH. It's clearly not enough just to KNOW truth, you must repeat it until it has become a part of who you are. LIVE truth. Decide to believe that the Word is true and choose to live it out. Spend time with people who have made the same decision so you can encourage each other. Know that if you decide to live Truth, you are choosing to live against the natural flow of our culture and you WILL come up against hindrances. But in John 16:33 Jesus reminds us that "in this world [we] will have trouble. But take heart! [He] has overcome the world!" We have a HOPE that will not disappoint us.

Help me to see people the way you see them and show love and speak truth with pure motives.

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