
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thankful-Thankful-Thankful [Thursday]

Hellloooooo & Welcome to the weekly edition of Thankful Thursday. Actually, I just randomly heard someone say "it's Thursday" and I thought... "It's Thursday.... THANKFUL Thursday!" I always get excited about this day of the week. No matter what kind of day I'm having, I just know that it's so good for me to take a quick break and recognize the many blessings that fill my life. Thank you, LORD!

First of all - This is a picture of my brother, Kyle, and me Christmas Eve 2007. It pretty much sums up our relationship right there -- posing in front of the Christmas tree with ornaments on our ears. I can't wait to hang out with my way cool brother!!!

1. I have friends. I know that I've posted a lot about this... but I really am thankful for the fact that I have FRIENDS. Community is so important - I love just DOING life with other people.

2. I have FAMILY and I get to see all of them in less than two weeks! It will be so great to go "home" for the holidays and cram a lot of quality time with a lot of people into one short week.

3. The countdown to the end of the semester is ON... 1 class down (as of 45 minutes ago) and 3 to go! The end is so close I can taste it...

4. Starting in January I'm going to start watching Channing & Gannon 3 afternoons a week! This is a recent addition to the "what is my life supposed to LOOK like?!" concern I've been mulling over for a while now... In making the decision to work more hours w/ this fabulous family, I couldn't think of any reason NOT to: it will help there to be more stability for the kids, I love that the hours are set (something I can plan on every week to be the same - my organized self loves this!), I'll be making more money, it's not stressful or complicated (where as starting a new job probably would be), I would have time to work on homework there if I need to.... this really is a great opportunity and the Lord just worked it out to fit perfectly in my life and theirs! See? God provides!

5. Truth! I am so grateful that I have a solid foundation of truth to stand on each day!

6. The past three years at Teen Mania -- I'm thankful that I've grown more confident and bold, that I know what is socially acceptable conversation (some people don't know this...), for all of the relationships with so many wonderful people.... I could go on. I was just reminded this week of how I'm different now because of what God did in my life in the past three years and felt it was worthy to note my gratitude for this.

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