
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A little dreaming when I should be sleeping... for real

It's almost 12:30 in the morning as I type this and I know that I should be sleeping, but I am just not tired! This is actually very rare for me... I have trouble staying awake past 11:00 usually. :)

I was just laying in bed and after about 2 minutes realized that I was not going to fall asleep anytime soon and I don't want to waste this valuable thinking time... so I decided to blog!

I had coffee this morning with a new friend! (Praise God for new friends!) She came to life group for the first time last week and we discovered that we both just moved here in August and we're both nannies - my response was, "Let's be friends!" (I don't like to beat around the bush or anything... ha!) I had a SUCH a good time chatting with her!

As we were talking I mentioned Chicago (my favorite city) and kind of jokingly mentioned moving there to go to Bible College after I graduate from BSU... now that I've thought about it some more, I don't think that it was really meant as a joke. I think I could actually see myself doing that. How fun would it be to move to Chicago on my own and go to Moody Bible College! I could go to the art museum on the weekends and go ice skating in Millennium Park in the winter. I don't know why, really, I just LOVE that city. I would have to save a lot of money to pay for Bible College or find a generous donor. Then I would have to find a steady job to cover living expenses.

(Nevermind that for now, though - you can't worry about the details of money when you're only dreaming. In that case, I'll just pretend like it's all free. hehe)

When I was talking with my friend this morning I just got excited with the freedom of knowing that I really can do ANYTHING! I can move anywhere. I'm not tied down anywhere or limited by relationship status, family obligations, or anything else. I just need to finish my Communications degree at BSU and find a lot of money. (lottery? just kidding.)

It's just exciting to think about. I don't have to just stay in the same place and work a boring job and settle for the life that seems easiest. [Note - this doesn't include the here and now... maybe right now is just a season of rest? I'm going to school and watching a couple really great kids. It's okay that this season is different... but it won't ALWAYS be like this. I actually enjoy a fast paced lifestyle.]

Why not go on a little adventure and see what God has in store?

1 comment:

  1. If God wants you to go to Chicago and Bible college there then he will provide! Although it won't necessarily be 'free' he'll provide if that's where you're supposed to be. Also, can I just say that I had a blast tonight and we need to hang out more! I feel blessed to be able to read your blog and be encouraged and know I'll see you at least once a week :) Have a great Monday and good luck with studying!
