
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Friday, March 19, 2010

Decision Maker

Yep. That's what I'm learning to be: A Decision Maker.

So I dropped my BCIS (computer/EXCEL) class on Thursday. I had been thinking about doing it since week 1 of the course. I was just getting farther and farther behind and lacking the resources to catch up (time/materials). The lady from financial aid on Tuesday told me that no matter what happens I do NOT want to have an F on my transcript. Well, I was honestly pretty concerned that that's what would happen. Otherwise, I would kill myself the rest of the semester just to HOPEFULLY pull off a measly D or C. It wasn't worth it. I'm already short on time, energy, and sleep. The class just really was not even worth it to me.

The worst part about making decisions is telling people what you decide. I know that I'm an adult and I'm confident and I can make major decisions on my own. So when I weigh the consequences, gather important information, ask the Lord and go down the path of peace. (Proverbs says that the path of wisdom will always be peace, and I just want to walk in wisdom in each decision that I make)... I finally make a decision (i.e. "I'm going to move to Boise and go to school at NNU in August" or "I'm going to drop this class" or "I'm going to marry this man" - just kidding, that last one hasn't happened yet!) I feel confidence and peace about my decision, until I tell someone else. You hear things like, "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" or "Wow, I wouldn't have made that decision" and other such encouraging sentiments...

I'm even worse when it comes to reading into things. People may not say those things outright, but I try to interpret their response to some decision that I made to get approval and increase my confidence. I hate realizing that those things are my motivation! I'm glad I recognize it, though, because I do not want to be addicted to the approval of other people or gain my confidence from what others think about my decisions.

My challenge to you, dear reader: be confident in what the Lord has called you to do! (I'm not saying that He "called" me to drop my class...) You can hear God's voice and make an informed decision and move forward in that direction - don't be swayed. Be bold! It's too easy to get caught up in what other people think of you to gain acceptance/approval OR to live in the land of regret and wish that you had made a more "acceptable" decision afterwards. Don't give into that. We will not always make the right decisions. But there is GRACE. And we will always learn from making the wrong decision, if we look at it from the right perspective. Seek the Lord and approach His throne of grace with confidence... He will be your guide!

1 comment:

  1. I just read this now ... it was really good. You're so wise, Kailene!

