
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stop. Rest. Reflect.

I don't generally lie... I'm actually a horrible liar! (I suppose this is a good thing.) Even pulling off surprises takes a lot of preparation and self control. Even if I say the right thing, my face generally gives it away. So maybe more out of lack of skill, rather than morality, I tend to be a very honest person.

Although, have you ever noticed how EASY it is to lie to yourself? It's nothing like lying to another person. Even though I can't lie worth anything, I can and do lie to myself all the time. Hey, I even lie to God. In my prayers I try to sound holy and put together and just pray nice things for other people. Pastor Bryan challenged us this morning: "Be brutally honest with where your heart is at." Sometimes we just stay physically and emotionally busy so that we don't have to deal with all that junk in our hearts. We pretty ourselves up and achieve great things so that nobody else can see what lies on the inside. This can be anything from hidden sin to covering how I feel about something minor or not really reflecting on how a particular situation affects me.

All I'm doing today is passing this charge on to you: Be brutally honest with the condition of your heart. I'm going to spend some time today (and the rest of this week - as I think it will probably take a few tries to really get to the root of some issues) and just THINK about my life. Be honest with myself and with the Lord. How do I feel about my plans for next year? What am I afraid of? How am I not trusting the Lord? How do I feel about things that are happening in my family? What am I running away from? What relationships am I frustrated with - how am I really dealing with this?

*Note: This exercise requires complete honesty - not only with yourself, but with the Lord. Politeness and politics are not important. It's just between you and God. Then, if necessary, you can bring in some encouragement and accountability from a close friend. Psalm 62:8 "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Pour out your heart!

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