
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Back to Bold

I realized something this morning. 
As seasons come and go & phases of life naturally change there is a lot that is out of our control.
But not everything.
Yes, sometimes things change and we just have to adapt.
There are other times, though, where we need to MAKE change.

As I've been fervently trying to get settled into the new semester at school, consequently, I've gotten out of the habit of blogging. Really, writing in general. I haven't been consistent in journaling. And I clearly have not been blogging. I sure do miss it.

At the same time, I've been in this mild funk. (possibly contributing to my diminished desire to write)
I've claimed discontentment as the theme of this season and, therefore, chalk up every emotional dilemma and every weird/blah day to: "well, I'm just struggling with discontentment."
Justification, much?

Don't claim your sin as your identity.

Don't get comfortable with struggles and let them cozy up in your heart.

As Paul says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." Philippians 4:8

This isn't to say: "Deny your sin... forget about your struggles... just ignore them all!" There definitely is reason to pay attention, be on guard. Sin is not acceptable and struggles are very real. Deeper than actions that must be changed, are the thoughts that led to the actions. It all starts with what we allow our minds to dwell on. It's a battle!

We don't always choose the battle, but we can choose how we respond to it.

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish arguments and every pretension [pretend/false thing] that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

I've decided that I'm not going to claim my struggle with sin (i.e. discontentment) as my identity. I'm going to CHOOSE to move right on out of this season. Not walk, RUN.

I'll need a little of this: truth & vulnerability.

And a little of this: coffee in cute, little mugs. Just because. Oh, and probably because in order to get some quality time with the Lord immersed in the two books pictured above, I will need to wake up earlier. So I guess it is realistic. :)

Also, I'm going to quit thinking back to six months ago and wish that I could be in that season of EXTREME contentment and lovin' life. I'm going to be grateful for where the Lord has me right now and all that He has done in my heart in that time! He uses both the good & the bad to mold, shape, and build us into instruments He can use to shine His light and bring Him glory. Why would I wish away that process of perfecting?

It's a new day. God is doing a NEW thing.

'I choose THIS DAY to be bold. No matter how I feel about it. 

Thankful for this simple, but profound realization... why wait?! I don't want to just wait and see when this season will happen to blow over. I see in the scriptures that I can choose what I think about and that my struggle does not form my identity. I am found in JESUS and, thankfully, my confidence comes from Him. I will move forward in freedom, knowing that I am His and He is mine. I am His beloved.

I get frustrated that the views of the world wear [to impair, deteriorate, or consume gradually by use or any continued process] on me. They probably wear on you, too. Your hope is shaky. Your joy diminishes. Your faith is fragile. All in all, you just grow a little skeptical. You start to settle for what seems safe and easy and makes sense. 

That is exactly the life that I want to stay FAR, far away from!

Lord, help us to run from what makes sense to the world and choose to take the path that few walk... to move forward in FAITH, not FEAR. 


  1. That picture you posted of yourself is adorable. :)

    Also, I really enjoyed this post.


  2. Thanks, friend... You are such a faithful reader and commenter! ;) love you!
