
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Friday, August 9, 2013

All Things for GOOD

Today I'm in a bind. This month, an even BIGGER bind. Sometimes things don't work out the way we think they should... but we are promised that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"(Romans 8:28). 

I woke up to an encouraging text from my best friend. I told her that I feel extra groggy this morning and needed to make coffee & breakfast before I started working on sorting out this dilemma and finding solutions. She said this: "Just remember, you only have to be obedient... do your part and trust God to take care of you." I need more than just coffee this morning; I need Jesus. I need peace, provision, and a reminder of the truth that He works ALL things together for good.

So I turned on some worship music and opened my Bible... I flipped to Romans 8 as "Your Love Never Fails," by Jesus Culture, started playing. There's a part in the song that just says "you work all things together for good" over and over and over again.... while at the same time I read in verse 28: "in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him."

It happened without me realizing that I was hearing the same truth in two different forms... when it finally "clicked," my heart was immediately encouraged. I "get" it! This message of truth that came so quickly, it's effect runs deep & is so sweet to my soul...

The Nameless Collective, Tumblr

I do need to be obedient and faithful in what God has called me to do... but I am not the provider, the one who brings success, or even the planner (as much as I'd like to think I am). I am learning to hold my plans with open palms... allowing for God to make them into what He wants, which is what is BEST. I don't see the big picture, but He's got it ALL under control. I can rest in the PEACE that comes from surrendering to and waiting on Him. I put my HOPE in His word, that is TRUTH. My hope is not in my own conjured up talents, abilities, or perfect planning... none of that will suffice. God is the one who brings everything together for good, even when it all seems to be a lost cause. He is GREATER than my plans... and STRONGER than my mistakes. He is faithful forever. Praise the Lord!

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