
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Be like a lion.

I remember one day four summers ago when I had to make a certain phone call. I don't particularly enjoy talking on the phone anyway, but this one was sure to be a doozy. I knew it could either go really well or really poorly, and there was potential that I would end up hurt. The conversation was not one that I wanted to engage in, but one that I knew was necessary. I made the call. Life went on. So where does the lesson come in to play here?

It was the next day, when I was sharing about the phone call with someone, and his first response was this: "So were you a lion or a lamb?"

"Excuse me?" *confused expression*

"Were you a lion or a lamb... in the conversation. Did you stand up for yourself or back down? Were you bold like a lion?"

Since then, I've continued to ask myself this question. 

Who do I want to be today? 

Or better yet, who do my decisions and actions and words show that I am... regardless of who I wish to be?

I can want to run a marathon, but if I don't train, it's not going to happen.

I can want to have blonde hair, but if I don't take the steps to actually color it, I will always be a brunette (which we all know is better anyways!).

I can want to get a fancy new car (ok, I'd settle for something that simply has all mirrors intact and the gear shift in the right place...), but if I am not intentional about saving money, I will drive my little chevy cavalier forever and ever. Or at least until it dies. 

"...the righteous are as bold as a lion." Proverbs 28:1

I want to be a lion. 
Fierce. Bold. Undaunted by all of life's pressures and concerns. Self-assured. Confident. Courageous.

And where does this righteousness come from???
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God." 1 Corinthians 5:21

We have no excuse not to be BOLD because it does not come from our own ability. Rather, complete reliance upon and confidence in Jesus results in boldness as HE alone is our righteousness. He provides strength and confidence for the "hey-I-didn't-even-know-I-had-that-in-me" moments. I hope to have many of those in my life. 

Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What are you investing in?

Are you a lion or a lamb?

Who do your actions already show that you are?, via Pinterest

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