
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Abundantly MORE than I could ask or imagine...

I have been completely blown away by God's provision in the past week. (My whole life, really, but specifically this week...) I love that He sees the comfort that my heart needs... and provides. He sees the money and supplies that I need tangibly for my trip to Panama or just life in general... and provides. He sees the truth that my mind needs... and provides. He sees the direction that my life needs.... and provides. In ALL things God provides, and I only lack in recognizing and acknowledging His abundant provision.

In the past week I have seen Him provide very tangibly in the BIG things and very intimately in the LITTLE (but not less important) things.

I cannot even use words to express the deep emotion that comes from an awareness of God's provision. It's almost like when someone leaves a bag of groceries on your doorstep and you wonder how they knew that your pantry was bare. God KNOWS, far more than I do, when my "pantry" is bare - i.e., my heart, mind, bank account, schedule, etc. He KNOWS... and I am so very grateful for that.

1. As I have mentioned, I'm preparing to co-lead a trip to Panama in a little over a month. I am THRILLED to have this opportunity and am completely confident that this is where God wants me this summer. What confirmation of that when God supplies the necessary funds before I even send out support letters! Um, hello!!!! It doesn't really get more awesome than that.

The best part is that there is NO way that I can claim any part of that miracle. There is absolutely no denying that God is at work in my life and it was ALL Him. Like I said, I didn't even send out support letters. I had them written, but decided to just make a few phone calls to family members first because I had 7 days to raise half my support. After a couple surprise donations and phone calls to my mom and grandparents... basically all of the money was in! I couldn't even believe it. I still have a little ways to go in raising support - I need a plane ticket from here to Texas for training - but I know that when the money comes in, it will not be because of something that I did, it will be because God moved in the hearts of people around me to support HIS Kingdom.

2. This example of His provision seems more subtle, but I am not at all less confident that it was Him working in my heart to renew my confidence in His faithfulness. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He hears my heart's cry, even when it seems to be barely a whispered plea.

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were mostly full of checking off tasks on my to do list. I was starting to feel the lack of fulfillment in living like that for so long. (Not that two days is a long time; it just seemed to be wearing on me.) I had a fleeting thought/emotion yesterday of loneliness. I didn't think much of it, but I know it was there... and clearly, God did, too. Very suddenly my evening plans filled up with a dinner in Hyde Park with Lindsay, skype date #1 with Heather (friend from when I lived in Texas), skype date #2 with Taylor (friend from high school) and a few encouraging texts from my dear friend, Molly. By the end of the night I felt surrounded by godly, solid friendships -- what a blessing!

Sometimes I appreciate that I am so self-aware, because I can recognize a fleeting thought of loneliness.... and then recognize how God provided immediately a reminder of the relationships in my life.

It is incredibly important to recognize all of the ways that God provides everyday so we can look back at those times when life gets hard or our view of truth gets cloudy and we can remember His faithfulness. He does not change like shifting shadows. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He said that His plans for me (and YOU) are good... they are still good for me today... and they will even still be good for me tomorrow. We CAN trust in His promises because He never fails!


  1. a beautiful post! every spiritual director I have ever had has recommended keeping a journal..of good and bad I can look back and see and reflect Gods presence in my life...
    good luck with everything king on..
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  2. Thanks for the comment and for following!! :)
