
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School!

I felt like Nemo this morning from the beginning of the kids' movie "Finding Nemo" - "First day of school, first day of school!" I have been SO excited to start classes this semester. Partially because I am taking interesting classes and partially because I thrive on a schedule. I love routine! Yesterday I enjoyed a perfect last day of summer that included sleeping in, a mini "retreat" up to Discovery State Park to sit by the river and spend time with Jesus, 2 loads of laundry, grocery shopping, accountability via skype with Heather + Emily, a starbucks coffee date with the lovely Kayla, and prep for classes (good thing I decided to check my email - I found a reading assignment due today for one of my lit classes!). After I found that assignment and read through the syllabi that were posted... that's when nerves settled in. YES, I was excited, but I also realized how much I'm taking on this semester. I know that I'll be fine, but reality set in that I have to schedule a large chunk of reading/studying on the weekends now and I can't fill it completely with fun stuff. I'm taking 2 english classes, 2 communication classes and 1 philosophy class. There will be a LOT of reading. (but, really, I'm okay with that.)

The biggest difference between starting classes a year ago and starting classes today is confidence! I know where all of my classes are without getting confused by a campus map. I know where to find parking (theoretically). I even know PEOPLE on campus! I saw two guys from my communication theory class last semester who recognized me and chatted for a minute. I remember last year I felt so ALONE walking on this huge campus with thousands of other, strange people. It's nice to have an added boost of confidence.

Currently, I'm just killing time because one of my classes was canceled due to a power outage in the business building. If my laptop wasn't so heavy, I'd take a walk right now - it's beautiful outside. I think I might seriously injure my shoulder due to the weight of my bag. This can't be a good sign on the first day of class - maybe it'll just build up muscle instead?

1 comment:

  1. If you're ever bored on campus you can stop by and see me! ;-)
